;The last AS1200 DEC Alpha 21164 machine, known as 'sdf', we ;decommissioned from service this day 31-MAR-03. There were ;approximately 50 SDF members in attendence. ;----------------------------------------------------------- [18:51:23] eleos@sdf has joined party. [eleos] HELP [eleos] Greetings. [xbeastx] hello [eleos] Is this the partry? [xbeastx] so far as i can tell yes :) [eleos] I have never used this chat function, I cannot see what I am typing. :) [xbeastx] use :echo [eleos] Testing...Thanks! [xbeastx] though it distrubs the flow [eleos] Are you a sysadmin? [xbeastx] not on these systems [eleos] Ah, I see. I was hoping for some VR hors d'oevres. ;) [xbeastx] that probally falls to smj he does *everything* here [eleos] Gotcha. [xbeastx] are you new to SDF? [19:03:35] andre@sdf has joined party. [andre] I wonder if anyone [andre] has been bidding on the old machines... [xbeastx] yes [eleos] Not me, no $$$. [andre] same here [andre] Are they still wrorth a decent amount, or too old/devalued? [xbeastx] so my odds are improveing? :) [xbeastx] they are very nice machines if you nkow how to use them [19:14:55] pieckiel@sdf has joined party. [xbeastx] hello [pieckiel] Greetings. [eleos] Greetings. [19:17:26] smj@sdf has joined party. [smj] Hey guys [smj] There is a 4100 on ebay dual processors (same procs as this machine) going for $2500 buy it now [eleos] Hey boss. :) [xbeastx] hello ... [smj] the main difference between the 4100 and the 1200 is taht the 4100 can hold 4 processors [smj] I'd be happy to answer any questions you guys might have about the AS1200 [eleos] I am just here for the snacks. :) [smj] no problem. [19:26:41] hackwhor@sdf has joined party. [hackwhor] wheres the beer? [xbeastx] in the keg :) [hackwhor] heh...silly me [hackwhor] what time do the male strippers get here? [smj] I'm already here. [hackwhor] hehe...ur so cute ;) [pieckiel] good grief... :) [hackwhor] NOW its a party [pieckiel] When will you post bid results? [smj] at 23:59:59 [19:31:38] jboy@sdf has joined party. [smj] its a silent auction,rememert? [smj] I can't really say much .. [jboy] hey all [hackwhor] hey [smj] we've got plenty of bidders though [pieckiel] Yeah.. but I didn't know if you were waiting for any reason to post them. [smj] well, I can't .. [jboy] it's a ten hour time difference between cet and pst now [smj] isn't it bad form to post the results of a silent auction? [pieckiel] Hrm... good point. [hackwhor] not if we dont look ;) [jboy] hmm... beer anyone? [pieckiel] Those things have got to be heavy. I wonder what shipping is gonna cost...? [smj] its not bad [smj] I've got a good deal with airborne [smj] we can probably do it for $60 in the US [pieckiel] Better than I thought. I'd have expected between $100 and $150. But I'm also used to shipping via FedEx or FedEx Ground. [19:36:05] anthony@sdf has joined party. [pieckiel] And they keep coming in... [19:36:45] wrmine@sdf has joined party. [jboy] thank you indeed, sdf! [smj] I'd be happy to answer any questions about the AS1200s [anthony] just how old are they? [19:37:24] core@sdf has joined party. [smj] We sort of pushed NetBSD to its limits .. but the hardware was so reliable [smj] they are 1999-2001 [core] where's the beer keg? [smj] hehe.. [pieckiel] I think jboy has it. [smj] BYOB [core] heh [jboy] yes [pieckiel] Do bidders get their choice of blue or white? [smj] Well, yes .. [pieckiel] I've got to match the decor of my home, you know. ;-) [smj] of course the highest bidder gets firstdibs [smj] but only four of you can be lucky bidders [pieckiel] How will you handle tie-breakers? [smj] ahh, goo dquestion [smj] I recomend not to bid with round numbers :) [smj] otherwise I'll just use time of bid. [jboy] okay, who wants a cold one? [pieckiel] hehe.. I figured something along those lines. [smj] also, there are some 'extras' [smj] available [smj] once we get a list of winners, I'll see who is interested in the extras [smj] one of the pieces is a fiber controller (ethernet) [19:41:55] paladin@sdf has joined party. [19:42:12] dpriest@sdf has joined party. [pieckiel] Cool. [smj] also its *possible* to get extra disks too [dpriest] how much more till the decomission? [pieckiel] Disks of? [smj] about 15 minutes [smj] each as1200 can hold 7 SCA scsi disks [core] *drumroll* [paladin] um.. [smj] the ones in the auction have 4 disks [paladin] howdy to all [19:43:01] anthony@sdf has left party. [pieckiel] Oh.. for some reason I was thinking software. What software DID come with the AS1200's? [smj] but if you need more, we can work out a deal after the auction [smj] oh.. you get SRM (installed) and NetBSD ;-) [smj] the machine will boot when you get it.. [smj] You won't get any sdf stuff :) [pieckiel] Awww... You didn't buy OpenVMS? ;) [smj] but I'll get you a 1.6.1RC2 fresh install [smj] oh .. sorry .. no oen VMS but it will run that. [jboy] SRM is what exactly? [smj] firmware [jboy] ah [smj] ahh 20 seconds until the 15 minute warning! [dpriest] lo [dpriest] l [core] ooh [19:44:49] amcgee@sdf has joined party. [smj] hey amcgee! [pieckiel] /? [smj] there are 12 of us here. [amcgee] Hey smj./? [dpriest] yep.. only 12.. [pieckiel] heh, I've forgotten how to use this thing... [jboy] try :help [amcgee] Me too. I've never used it before. [dpriest] i don't blame you, me too.. [pieckiel] That's it! [pieckiel] What do the () mean in the :who listing? [jboy] AFK [smj] it means they are AFK [amcgee] I guess you just type. I don't see any echo of my words as I type, so that's what confused me. [core] type ":echo" [pieckiel] AFK....? [dpriest] away from keyboard [paladin] the dns entries will remain the same? [pieckiel] duh. thx [amcgee] Thanks. That's much better. [dpriest] np! =] [19:47:07] madvani@sdf has joined party. [19:47:10] beaker@sdf has joined party. [19:47:12] tml@sdf has joined party. [smj] 13 minutes left .. [eleos] I am not afk, I am just a wallflower. ;) [dpriest] hum.. i don't get it... [jboy] wallflower, wallflower, won't you dance with me... [xbeastx] *is at work ... * [beaker] hey - its a party! [jboy] i'm sad and lonely too [tml] so where's the beer? [dpriest] /me hands drinks to everyone [jboy] here [beaker] bubbly [dpriest] hay, so are you turning off the machines, or just saying goodbye to them? [jboy] they are being auctioned off [smj] It will halt at 20:00 pst :) [dpriest] ooh.. i c.. [smj] The auction is over at midnight [19:49:02] litestar@sdf has joined party. [jboy] 2000 UTC, i thought [beaker] And then what - will we just vanish into the ether? [19:49:06] othyro@sdf has joined party. [smj] nono .. PST :) [paladin] can we be online when you halt ? :D [19:49:12] pietro@sdf has joined party. [19:49:13] xcentric@sdf has joined party. [othyro] it's a fuckin party man [pietro] hello [core] are there any chicks coming over at the party? [othyro] ;review [smj] if you want, I can extend the shutdown :) [smj] how much time do we need? [19:49:31] jldavid@sdf has joined party. [jboy] oh, so the party lasts for eight hours. i see [pietro] hei smj, compliments for your hard work!!! [smj] you guys are welcome to post on the bboard here too .. to say your good byes [19:49:48] chesucat@sdf has joined party. [pietro] what's going up here [smj] thanks guys .. [othyro] s/decommision [core] yeah, thanks for everything smj [19:50:02] dmorelli@sdf has joined party. [tml] If the machines don't go at $750, will they be re-auctioned at a lower price? [19:50:05] mith@sdf has joined party. [smj] I think the Dallas site is doing great [beaker] A toast to seattle [dpriest] wow.. it's been a while.. [dmorelli] Thanks! [19:50:25] jboy@sdf has left party. [smj] oh.. its a silent auction, but I can asssure you that they are going with the current bidders now [tml] I'd like one, but who has $750 ? [19:50:29] hakan@sdf has joined party. [19:50:31] dxlaw@sdf has joined party. [pietro] eheh [core] lol [19:50:40] oak3@sdf has joined party. [19:50:41] scoyng@sdf has joined party. [pietro] i'm going now, see ya all and tnx again! [smj] we've got plenty of bidders. [19:50:48] jumex@sdf has joined party. [19:50:51] pietro@sdf has left party. [smj] but only 4 machines :) [oak3] yeeehaaaw! [19:50:57] yosefb@sdf has joined party. [tml] bummer [paladin] I wonder if I can logon to the Dallas site, I'm not sure I am.. [pieckiel] lots of people [tml] I want an Alpha [19:51:06] draos@sdf has joined party. [litestar] I found a as 800 today that I am bidding on [tml] Someone buy me one. :) [smj] cool [smj] as800 is quite a different machine [litestar] nice machines... but a 1200 from sdf ;-) the emotional ties [19:51:32] ace@sdf has joined party. [dxlaw] who [litestar] yes they are.. they look like a black miata [smj] Yeh .. I'll autograph these machines :) [ace] Par Tay! [19:51:51] jboy@sdf has joined party. [pieckiel] hehe [dpriest] yeah.. it's like a piece of history [19:51:57] dxlaw@sdf has left party. [19:51:58] ichou@sdf has joined party. [yosefb] ? OAOBh??OA 12eaaa qwe [othyro] netris anyone? [pieckiel] smj autographed machines. Maybe I can frame it and mount it to the wall? [jboy] yes! [19:52:19] croooow@sdf has joined party. [othyro] sweet [19:52:24] shr@sdf has joined party. [19:52:26] impurity@sdf has joined party. [draos] quit [tml] So how many of us/us joined because of the NWLINK fiasco? [croooow] hello, everyone [smj] wow.. there are 30 of us here. [smj] 32. [19:52:38] karma8@sdf has joined party. [dpriest] wow.. that went up fast! [impurity] well hello [dpriest] 33 [smj] you heard about SDF because of the NWLINK fiasco? [karma8] ? [karma8] do tell? [tml] smj: I did [beaker] Oh - COM down :) [smj] I'm going to extend the shutdown :) [oak3] thanks for making sdf a great place [dpriest] ok! [smj] lets talk about NWLINK for a bit [tml] ok [19:53:15] halac@sdf has joined party. [draos] ;;: [jumex] yeah, what is the entire story there, I am curious. [chesucat] Is NWLINK going to give you a refund? [jboy] sucka! [dpriest] yeah, so what happened anyways?? [19:53:34] nitewing@sdf has joined party. [impurity] hey paladin [beaker] If NWLINK thing didn't happen would we still be PNW based? [paladin] hey impurity [core] jboy & othyro... I'd be up for a game, anyone feels like it? [smj] Yes. [jboy] sure [karma8] *sniff* [smj] The reason why we had to leave seattle is because NWLINK basically spread the rumour that we were dangerous [19:54:20] sbc@sdf has joined party. [smj] So no one wanted to host us. [karma8] oh... now i rmbr [karma8] hee hee. silly me :) [smj] I tried talking to countless co-location providers [chesucat] are we dangerous? [tml] smj: SDF was on /. because of the NWLINK thing. I'd never heard of SDF beofre that. [smj] No, we are not dangerous [tml] Now I'm an ARPA member [jumex] I am amazed that they have that much pull. [smj] thank you TML [beaker] Yad think with the Seattle economy being as it is there would be more support - oh well [smj] Well, they scared others. [madvani] we like dallas better anyway. it's warmer [19:55:04] halac@sdf has left party. [smj] they said we had this huge attack against us. [yosefb] q [pieckiel] Funny, because I heard of sdf from the tagline of a post someone made on a FreeBSD mailing list recently. [19:55:17] miz@sdf has joined party. [madvani] which they still never proved, right? [tml] smj: No, thank YOU. :) [xcentric] I'm in seattle right now... the economy isn't too good [smj] I want you all to know, the NWLINK situation is not resolved. [dmorelli] I heard about the SDF via a search for shell account providers. Unrelated to the NWLINK thing. [smj] Joe Kieser has been telling people who write him letters that it is. [smj] it is not. [19:55:47] rbook@sdf has joined party. [core] jjjheh [dpriest] ive been on sdf for 4 years now. [core] hehe [chesucat] too many protestors in Seattle, anyway [tml] I have shell accounts all over the place, but SDF is a cool enough idea that I really got into it. [smj] wow.. that is cool dpriest. [karma8] lol. 4 mos... [19:56:02] draos@sdf has left party. [karma8] i dunno what i'd do w/o sdf... [litestar] hmmm [smj] the Dallas site is managed y us. [smj] sorry, by us. [jboy] cool [dpriest] i started on sdf, got many others, but only still keep sdf [smj] we own the circuits, power .. everything [jumex] I found out about SDF because I wanted a server for email that did IMAP. There are a surprising few. [smj] no ISP can shutus down. [pieckiel] Are you gonna post new pictures on the website? [smj] Yes, I will.. [oak3] wow [19:56:51] charlene@sdf has joined party. [tml] Dallas seems to be running smoothly. [karma8] smj: u rich, or is it the donations? [smj] Yes, its doing very well. [beaker] Well, at least the original domain name fits again :) [dmorelli] Even if there was a huge attack against the SDF, what right does that give a provider to talk shit like that? [smj] The move to Dallas cost us $10K (or there abouts) [19:57:18] gnosaj@sdf has joined party. [oak3] are we taking nwlink to court? [smj] you are right. [madvani] I'm really glad to hear that there are lots of bidders for the auction [chesucat] I came to SDF from Hotmail, Hotmail just got too spammy! [smj] sitespecific was nice to let us host in Seattle for the short term. [madvani] that should help some with defraying the costs [19:57:41] fluf@sdf has joined party. [jboy] are you adding "Don't mess with Texas" to the AUP? [smj] They let us stay for free. [madvani] right? [impurity] damn, its croud ij here=) [miz] HELP [gnosaj] who [rbook] SMJ, did you have to go to Dallas for this? [smj] Yes, if you want one of the AS1200s, please run 'auction' on the new Dallas site :) [19:58:17] drdvp@sdf has joined party. [beaker] How much of the 10K did you have to cover (if U don't mind me asking)? [core] so will you now be living in Dallas, smj? [19:58:19] dudzus@sdf has joined party. [smj] No, I will stay in Seattle [19:58:26] yosefb@sdf has left party. [19:58:27] efflandt@sdf has joined party. [19:58:31] taviso@sdf has joined party. [19:58:34] yosefb@sdf has joined party. [core] ahh, ok [smj] The machines were always managed remotely anyway [smj] except in the old days, when they were in my closet :) [jboy] two minutes [19:58:52] cepuuher@sdf has joined party. [core] heh [karma8] lmao [dpriest] hay smj.. how is the shipping for the auction? [pieckiel] You mean you didn't live in a portable out back? [19:59:03] miz@sdf has left party. [tml] smj: I may have to hire you to help me move an etnerprise system someday...this went so smoothly. [karma8] rotfl [smj] domestic .. probably 60 or so .. [chesucat] they came out of the closet, 'ey?;-) [19:59:18] lothar@sdf has joined party. [tml] errr...enterprise [smj] Yeh the 3b2's used to heat up my closet :) [cepuuher] Hello... I have to go to class.. ahhhh [othyro] hehe [rbook] Hi efflandt! I'm the guy who was on the plane all those years ago and admired your digital camera!! [othyro] let's try that again jboy [19:59:47] flak@sdf has joined party. [oak3] smj is there a court case with NWlink? [smj] Yes there is. [karma8] ...there should be [smj] We have a lawyer and are talking with the EFF [efflandt] hi rbook [20:00:06] core@sdf has left party. [20:00:09] core@sdf has joined party. [dpriest] and.. ahm.. what's the achitecture for them? [smj] the EFF feels our rights have been violated. [beaker] Just don't feed the lawyers too much, eh ;) [oak3] who are they? [smj] The AS1200s? [jboy] do you need members to contact the EFF? [oak3] ok [smj] they are 64bit dec alpha 21164 machines [othyro] jboy: more netris? [smj] well, if we can write letters that would be great. [dpriest] yeah, the as1200s.. [jboy] cool [jboy] cool [smj] EFF wants to know how they can help us. [smj] go to www.eff.org someday and check them out. [pieckiel] hDid you ask them for money? :) [smj] We have to tell them how they can help us. [mith] we want to know how the EFF can help us. :) [cepuuher] [5~Have to go... bye bye Seattle... [tml] legal $$$ [xbeastx] well thanks again to smj :) sorry i'll the the off turnong time to go home ... [smj] EFF will do it probono [20:01:42] cepuuher@sdf has left party. [tml] Ah [20:01:44] xbeastx@sdf has left party. [smj] they just need us to tell them our rights were violated [pieckiel] That's cool. [tml] Well, that's god. [smj] ISP terminates customer because of DDoS [tml] s/go/goo/ [smj] so they set a prescedent that if you get DDoSed, you will get terminated. [oak3] alleged DDos [othyro] victory! [othyro] yay! [jboy] merde alors [tml] I assume the T&C/AUP doesn't say anything about that? [core] want to play a :echo [smj] They said we were to get 15 days written notice [core] damn [smj] they shut us down before they talked to me on the phone. [jboy] again? sure [core] want to play one othyro? [pieckiel] Now THAT sucks. [paladin] ahh ok [paladin] I get it [tml] Sucks to be them. :) [smj] Yes.. [20:03:27] miz@sdf has joined party. [core] or jboy, whoever [paladin] this server is no longer on the SDF LAn, tre kewl [smj] I feel like the users have lost their drive on this .. because sdf is back up now. [smj] there was a 5 days span that we were offline. [smj] 30-Jan to 5-Feb [jboy] yeah [karma8] i remeber it well.... [tml] I'm not sure how much voice I'd have, since I only joined AFTER we were back up. :) [karma8] ....i had to do schoolwork instead of connecting to sdf. yech! [dpriest] that completely screwed me.. [jboy] people from my university had to access my webspace on sdf for review materials for an exam [paladin] I definitely remember it all [20:04:28] miz@sdf has left party. [oak3] quality and service never go out of style [20:04:37] bandsmer@sdf has joined party. [paladin] I couldn't get email or see my website for those 5 days, and I was in the middle of job hunting :( [jumex] well, goodbye Seattle! The move went well on my end (as a user) and I hope the best for SDF, I will be with you for the long term, and when I eventually get a better job, you can trust in my monthly support. Thanks to smj as well, none of us would be here without you! [20:04:51] jumex@sdf has left party. [smj] Okay, now this is the real 15 minute warnning :) [eleos] Thanks smj for putting up with all the hassles, we appreciate it. [tml] smj: Is this a full-time gig for you? [smj] no.. I have a full-time job. [pieckiel] What do you do full time? [chesucat] unemployed? [smj] unix engineering [dpriest] yeah, thankx smj! [hackwhor] ditto smj [jboy] core: shall we? [oak3] suddenly everything went quiet [dpriest] yeah.. [rbook] SMJ: I've been through SEVERAL unix-=system moves and transitions, the others run by "rpfessional" sysadmins .. and this was BY FAR the smothest and most painless! EXCELLENT job! COngrats! [madvani] netris = multiplayer tetris? [20:07:02] karma8@sdf has left party. [dpriest] like tetrinet? [20:07:16] drives@sdf has joined party. [pieckiel] so what's the part count now, anyway? [pieckiel] OOps.. part=party [20:07:35] litestar@sdf has left party. [20:07:41] chrsmrtn@sdf has joined party. [oak3] quality and service never go out of style [smj] thanks rbook [smj] I've been running sdf on my own since basically 92 .. [smj] the other guys formed Texas Metronet [smj] and then went on to other things [paladin] I have to say as well smj this is a job well done bravo zulu [dpriest] are they the ones hosting sdf now? [smj] no.. :) [smj] we're hosting ourselves [rbook] No, thank YOU! [oak3] who is? [core] yeah madvani, netris is a two-player online text-based Tetris [jboy] kibutz [dpriest] ooh.. kool! [smj] we're hosting ourselves now. [charlene] thankyou smj for everything [jboy] core: shall we [oak3] aha! ... wild! [pieckiel] what did you do? Buy a hut somewhere and move in? [core] jboy: sure! [smj] well, I picked Dallas because I have some trusted friends there. [chesucat] wow, and Texas Metronet doesn't feel threaten by SDF! [smj] also, SDF was born there. [charlene] quit [20:09:25] rdvdijk@sdf has joined party. [dpriest] so you're basically moving to dallas? [pieckiel] You find some office space to lease or something? [20:09:33] charlene@sdf has left party. [smj] the circuit providers are actually the same people that gave sdf UUCP connections.. [smj] sdf moved to Dallas already [madvani] returning to its birthplace. touching. [smj] ahh.. 10 minute warning! [paladin] smj is staying in Seattle though. [smj] yeh.. I will live in Seattle [smj] the climate is good [madvani] smj is not a machine. he doesn't need to move. :) [smj] Texas isn't my place to live :) [paladin] yeah, all the rain makes things grow [jboy] whee! [taviso] hehe, very different shutdown messages this time smj :) [wrmine] Will the PO box be moving ? [core] sorry man, the annoncement fucked up my screen [othyro] this is the most people i've ever seen in one com room [smj] no.. at least not for now. [pieckiel] Way too hot anywhere south of the mason-dixon line anyway [paladin] smj, yeah, I'm trying to get away again.. (from Texas that is) [jboy] re? [dpriest] yeah.. like, a record! [dpriest] send it to guiness book, smj! record ppl on a com room! [smj] hehe [madvani] heh [dpriest] so, does the party continue afterwards, on the other machines? [rbook] [rbook] [rbook] [dpriest] send it to guiness book, smj! record ppl on a com room! [rbook] [smj] hehe [chesucat] well, texas is better than georgia, any day! [rdvdijk] how long has sdf been in seatle? [smj] Yep.. when we shutdown, we'll all go back to the new site [oak3] the SDF book of Records maybe [rbook] SOPRRY!~!!!! I did a cut-and past by mistek! [smj] SDF moved to Seattle in 2000 [drives] what happen to old sdf compukes? [smj] I moved in 1999 [madvani] where was it before then? [smj] they are being auctioned off [beaker] Ok... Elvis is leaving the building. [smj] it was in Dallas [smj] sdf was in Dallas from 1987 unil 2000 [core] whew! [othyro] hey smj, i just wanted to say thanks for everything you've done for me over the [othyro] years, for keeping a good idea alive, and for putting up with me. you're an insp [othyro] iration to many. ;) [smj] ahh, no problem [rdvdijk] are you gonna take some photos while disconnecting the computers? [tml] So it went from Dallas, to Seatlle, and now back to Dallas? [smj] sorry I am grouchy sometimes. [smj] hehe.. maybe so :) [tml] bleh...can't type [smj] but probably not.. [20:13:32] kamala@sdf has joined party. [rdvdijk] you should :)) [othyro] we all are. and i understand you have a lot going on [smj] well.. maybe .. [dpriest] hay smj.. check this: [dpriest] The Seattle site is now closed. Please connect to 'ol.freeshell.org' [dpriest] to create an account. The IP is [20:13:50] spieler@sdf has joined party. [bandsmer] i agree with othyro [smj] oh is that in the 'new' user? [dpriest] yup [kamala] quit [chrsmrtn] ht [othyro] if only all admins were this competent [tml] Well, enjoy, everyone! Keep up the great work, smj&co [smj] Okay .. 5 minute warning is coming up guys.. [20:14:46] tml@sdf has left party. [20:14:54] kamala@sdf has left party. [smj] its not competence.. its madness :) [smj] obsessiveness [othyro] hehe cheers to that! [20:15:06] spieler@sdf has left party. [pieckiel] smj: did you decide on whther you'd create a connect.freeshell.org or whatever for your arpa users? [smj] at least I don't do drugs. [chesucat] Don't use PayPutz!;-) [smj] OH.. yeh I might do that. [chrsmrtn] Is SDF the only machine going down? [pieckiel] you mentioned that in the bboard at some point... [smj] all the other ones are down chrsmrtn [chrsmrtn] ahhh... [dpriest] no, otaku will too, right? [dpriest] o ook [rdvdijk] does it feel weird to disconnect sdf? :) [dpriest] a LOT! otaku down sdf up 5+23:28, 46 users, load 2.52, 2.07, 1.91 iceland down norge down [pieckiel] from where did the name otaku come anyway? [chesucat] bye bye SDF I hardly knew thee! [dpriest] i was on iceland a second ago.. [smj] yeh.. its really a lovely machine. [dpriest] otaku is the japanese for anime lover. [smj] all of the AS1200s are [dudzus] jboy: prost [smj] That is why I hope you guys will bid on them :) [jboy] heiko: ebenfalls! [sbc] S? [dpriest] hay smj.. why did u pick sdf, anyways? [sbc] Bollocks -- SMJ, when is ol going up? I just got a "cannot connect" message. [smj] SDF is from macros [smj] macross [sbc] SDF is the Space Defence Force! [dpriest] ooooh.. i remember now! [smj] Super Dimensional Fortress [dpriest] superdimensional fortress, right? [smj] sbc, ol is a file server. [oak3] sure does fly [dpriest] hehehehe.. so otaku comes right after.. hehehe.. and what about norge? [smj] ahhh! [sbc] Ah, thanks, MSSMJ. [rdvdijk] almost there! [smj] say your good byes [sbc] /swears at terminal program. [xcentric] good bye [smj] norge is 'norway' [dpriest] do we get 1 minute warning. [croooow] good bye, Seattle [dpriest] ooh.. ok [othyro] vaya con dios sdf! [chesucat] Goodnight, kats and kittens! [smj] Thank you guys for coming to this.. [paladin] good bye Super Dimensional Fortress, I will miss thee [oak3] yeee haaaaw! [rbook] Good-bye, Puget Sound! [xcentric] thank you smj [pieckiel] thanks for having it, smj! [hackwhor] bye bye [20:18:42] hakan@sdf has left party. [dpriest] well.. anyways.. it was nice to be in seattle for a little bit.. sdf helped me a lot, even more when i was in the US.. now, well, i guess it's time to say goodbye.. nice meeting you, computers... we get out of seattle to get into history! [drdvp] SDF is dead. Long live SDF!!! [dpriest] thankx smj! [drives] buh bye [smj] Bye bye 21164 .. possibly a good bye for ever to that processor revision! *** System shutdown message from smj@sdf *** System going down in 1 minute [core] see ya on the otherside SDF! [rdvdijk] bye bye! [rbook] (I know , but why are we naming computers after scndinavian countries anyway? [dudzus] good bye seattle, goodbye as1200's [beaker] adios ! [dpriest] i already have a party channel on iceland on [othyro] it's a helluva machine [eleos] Cheers! [20:19:25] beaker@sdf has left party. [jboy] fare thee well *** System shutdown message from smj@sdf *** System going down in 30 seconds [rdvdijk] sdf rocked! [dpriest] so.. the super dimensional fortress is now gone.. [core] *drumroll* [xcentric] good luck in your travels! [jboy] lalala [mith] farewell [chesucat] D'oh! [dudzus] bye [dpriest] /me waves [wrmine] la doca vita [oak3] we love you sdf [smj] 10 [smj] 9 [smj] 8 [smj] 7 [smj] 6 [smj] 5 [rdvdijk] byebye! [dpriest] bye sdf! [smj] 4 [jboy] 5 [jboy] 4 [smj] 3 [taviso] see ya sdf! *** FINAL System shutdown message from smj@sdf *** System going down IMMEDIATELY Thank you SDF AS1200, you have served us well. Good Bye Seattle! [pieckiel] bye [smj] 2 [jboy] 3 [eleos] Seeya! [smj] 1 [jboy] 2 [jboy] 1 [yosefb] bye [sbc] Ciao!