in body { style goes here } h1 h2 h3 a p CLASSES p.subclass { //styles } invoked with


ID #idname { //styles } invoked with

background-color: colorname #hexcode transparent rgb (156, 0, 200) body { background-image: url(url) } background-repeat: repeat-y repeat picture vertically repeat-x repeat picture horizontally no-repeat no repetiton background-position: center; center background background-attachment: fixed non-scrolling background (same as bgproperties=fixed) OR background: color image repeat attachment position letter-spacing: tracking in px, p, cm, mm text-align: left, right, or center text-indent: x cm tab in x cm text-decoration: overline underline line-through (strikethrough) none <---- use this to remove the underline from links! font-family: times courier sans-serif font-size: x% font-style: italic normal oblique Note: the list after font-style are the fonts in order of preference (so, Times, Courier, serif means that if Times is unavailable, Courier will be used; if Courier is also unavailable, then a generic serif font will be used.) There are 5 generics: serif, sans-serif, monospaced, cursive, and fantasy. p.normal font-variant: normal p.small font-variant: small font-weight: normal bold [or a number] font: italic small-caps 900 12px arial border-style: dotted dashed solid double groove ridge inset outset add border style (top right bottom left); for example, ridge groove would put a ridged style on top and bottom, and a grooved style on L and R border-color: #hexcode OR rgb (0, 0, 0) border-bottom-width: #px make bottom border # pixels wide; must be used after border-style border: width style color border-bottom: border-top: border-left: border-right:background-color: #BF3EFF; example: medium solid #ff0000 border-width: top R bottom L in px; use with border-style margin-left: #cm [NOTE: no space here!] margin-right: margin-bottom: margin-top: margin: T R BL set margins padding-left: #cm padding-right: padding-top: padding-bottom: padding: TRBL cell paddingbackground-color: #BF3EFF; list-style-type: disc circle square none unordered list styles decimal lower-roman upper-roman lower-alpha upper-alpha list-style-image: url( 'url' ) custom bullets list-style-position: inside outside list margin list-style: type position url line-height: #cm adjust leading display: inline no distance between 2 elements none makes element invisible float: right left define for img; set text right or left of text note:floating elms should have width defined display none element vanishes inline block letter-spacing: #em tracking line-height clear left right both move element below edge of another element that has been floated left, right, or either .clearboth { clear: both; }