!Tetanus (lockjaw) About tetanus ------------- Tetanus is a deadly infection that gets into a wound or the umbilical cord, and then spreads throughout the body. Signs of tetanus most often appear 7 to 10 days after an injury. But signs can also start as soon as 3 days after being infected or not appear until 2 or 3 weeks later. Signs ----- * Tense and painful contractions of all the muscles. * During contractions, breathing may stop. * Extreme muscle spasms that come and go. * Lockjaw (cannot open the mouth easily). * Stiff neck and a stiff, board-hard belly. Get medical help fast for these signs! Prevention ---------- Tetanus is much easier to prevent than to treat. Prevent by vaccinating all children against tetanus and carefully cleaning wounds so they do not get infected. Children need 3 doses of the tetanus vaccine as infants and then 3 booster vaccines later. Pregnant women need a tetanus vaccination unless they have had one recently. Wounds most likely to develop tetanus ------------------------------------- * Puncture wounds. * Gunshot wounds. * Broken bones, when the bone pokes through the skin (open fractures). * Severe burns or frostbite. * Unsafe abortions and injections or piercings with used needles can also lead to tetanus. Serious, deep or dirty wounds need special cleaning, care, and antibiotics. Unless the person had a tetanus vaccine within the past 5 years, they need one now and also an injection of antitetanus immunoglobulin. Newborn tetanus --------------- Newborns can get infected with tetanus through the umbilical cord if the mother does not have up-to-date tetanus vaccinations. Cutting the cord with a sterile blade and keeping the cord clean protect babies from tetanus at birth. ----------------------------------------------------- from NEW WHERE THERE IS NO DOCTOR © Hesperian Health Guides 1919 Addison St Ste 304 Berkeley CA 94704 1.510.845.1447 hesperian@hesperian.org -----------------------------------------------------