3.14 Mononucleosis (Glandular Fever) ======================================= agk's Library of Common Simple Emergencies Presentation ------------ The patient is usually of school age (nursery through night school) and complains of several days of fever, malaise, lassitude, myalgias, and anorexia, culminating in a severe sore throat. The physical examination is remarkable for generalized lymphadenopathy, including the anterior and posterior cervical chains and huge tonsils, perhaps meeting in the midline and covered with a dirty-looking exudate. There may also be palatal petechiae and swelling, splenomegaly, hepatomegaly, and a diffuse maculopapular rash. What to do: ----------- - Perform a complete physical examination, looking for signs of other ailments, and the rare complication of airway obstruction, encephalitis, hemolytic anemia, thrombo- cytopenic purpura, myocarditis, pericard- itis, hepatitis, and rupture of the spleen. - Send off blood tests: a differential white cell count (looking for atypical lympho- cytes) and a heterophil or monospot test. Either of these tests, along with the generalized lymphadenopathy, confirms the diagnosis of mononucleosis, but atypical lymphocytes are less specific, being present in several viral infections. - Culture the throat. Patients with mono- nucleosis harbor group A streptococcus and require penicillin with about the same frequency as anyone else with a sore throat. - Warn the patient that the convalescence is longer than that of most viral illnesses (typically 2-4 weeks, occasionally more), and that he should seek attention in case of lightheadedness, abdominal or shoulder pain, or any other sign of the rare complications above. - Despite controversy, prednisolone is widely employed for symptomatic relief of infect- ious mononucleosis, usually 40mg of Prednisone qd for five days. It is partic- ularly helpful in young adults with severe pharyngeal pain, odynophagia or marked tonsillar enlargement with impending oropharyngeal obstruction. - Arrange for medical followup. What not to do: --------------- - Do not routinely give penicillin for the pharyngitis, and certainly do not give ampicillin. In a patient with mononucleosis, ampicillin can produce an uncomfortable rash, which, incidentally, does not imply allergy to ampicillin. - Do not unnecessarily frighten the patient about splenic rupture. If the spleen is clinically enlarged, he should avoid contact sports, but spontaneous ruptures are rare. Discussion ---------- All of the above probably apply to cyto- megalovirus as well, although the severe tonsillitis and positive heterophil test are both less likely. Some who report having mono twice probably actually had CMV once and mono once. ---------------------------------------------------- from Buttaravoli & Stair: COMMON SIMPLE EMERGENCIES Longwood Information LLC 4822 Quebec St NW Wash DC fax electra@clark.net ----------------------------------------------------