!Federal holiday --- agk's phlog 5 July 2021 @ 0948 --- written on Pinebook Pro while Cassie fixes eggs, avocado, and berries for breakfast --- It's the first Monday in months I haven't had to be up at five. I'm officially part-time! I went back to sleep til Cassie woke at nine--she has a Federal holiday today. Yesterday on my drive to work the sun hovered over the horizon to my right, beautiful! '90s biker-shorts neon- orange. Dozens of big white charolais cows ranged the lush summer-green hills to my left. I love to drive through the dense morning mist between the tall bluffs that rise from the Kentucky river. I thought about how I write to blow off steam after hard days, and overdramatize my present and past in this log. I don't like false self-presentation on social media. I don't want to do that. Yesterday I drew a flag and fireworks on the whiteboard after I erased the names of the previous day's staff and wrote our names. It was a holiday in my country. I went light on therapeutic groups. The polecat was still on his unit. The rest of the kids were evacuated. A single staff entertained him in the unit hallway with high-intensity, high-engagement games of catch, soccer, racing, and karate every waking moment. I didn't see them sit, but I'm sure they must have eaten. They did go outside once and the polecat broke a shatterproof window. It took many staff to get him back in. My boys were chill. Rec therapist took them swimming. Boys that can't pass the swim test wear life vests. Dietary made hot dogs, hamburgers, delicious potato salad, grilled corn, and watermelon. I took the boys to the gym with a basketball. We played horse and foursquare. I played a thousand games of rummy on the patio and in the day room. We watched Spongebob and part of Batman and Robin. I tried to get rec to bring us psych-safe fireworks. An adolescent told me about their non-binary journey. Boys talked to me about anxiety and impatience. One asked quest- ions about stuff that happened when he overdosed on ibuprofin after his dad died. Another asked what residential is like. We threw a football in the courtyard, listened to music, played more cards. Mr. Shirley brought barbecue ribs he got up early as hell to smoke. He works on the girls unit. He watched my boys so I could have some. Man, those ribs were delicious.