!We finally got covid --- agk's diary 12 June 2022 @ 16:30 UTC --- written on iPad via ssh.sdf.org in garage listening to radio preacher while baby naps --- Evy was miserable and exhausted all week. I was dead tired Thursday during my shift in the neonatal intensive care unit. Our toddler spiked a 39.5C fever Thursday night. Friday she wanted to cuddle, not play. She wasn't dehydrated or mobilizing acce- ssory muscles to breathe. She tested covid+ at our pediatrician office Friday afternoon. There are 4 people in our home. Store-bought Abbott rapid tests for us to test twice cost almost a day of my wages. Balancing new motherhood, school, and jobs, Evy and I've each worked only once a week. That makes the tests almost a week of my wages. Evy, I, and housemate tested covid-. We ordered 8 free SD Biosensor/Roche tests from the Post Office to test again in a few days when they come. Friday morning my mouth tasted like an ashtray. Friday night my fever, muscle and joint aches, and painful chest cough started. I emailed professors to ask if I should tell the neonatal intensive care unit where I worked Thursday (no), if I could get an extension on a major paper (yes), and what about the big exam tomorrow (don't come with fever/cough). Sister-in-law bought the covid tests with cash Evy wrapped around our Supplemental Nutrition Access Program (SNAP) Electronic Benefits Transfer card. SNAP is a food welfare program for the poor and an agricultural subsidy. She bought us blueberries from a neighboring state and two dozen eggs from the college farm near her house with the card. We have plenty rice, millet, oats, onions, preserved fish, and canned tomatoes in our pantry. Saturday my fever peaked at 38.5C. Most of the day it was 38. My blood oxygen saturation bottomed at 94%, but mostly cruised at 95. I went to the kitch- en for water and forgot why I was in the kitchen. I watched a 3-hour playthrough of Command and Conquer (1995). I wondered how many of my country's arms industry propagandists grew up on the game's narra- tive. During Trump administration we got mRNA vaccine jabs at hospitals where we work. Our daughter got passive immunity in the womb. We didn't pay for vaccination. Evy was boosted at work, I at a drug store (Medicaid paid for my booster). Our kid's getting passive booster via breastmilk while we're sick. Medicaid is insurance for the poor in my country. Some states including ours expanded it to anyone within 150% of the official poverty line. It's good insurance with no premiums, no deductible, no co- pay. If I lose my job, we don't lose insurance. I wish it was expanded to everyone. Elderly neighbors who watch our kid a few hours most weeks are sick today. Windows open, fans blow out to create negative pressure in bedroom where Evy and kid sleep and garage where I'll sleep til I quit coughing. I mask in the house. Housemate's asymptomatic and testing negative; he's at work, at Walmart. Covid sucks, even boosted and insured, even this Omicron BA.4/BA.5 wave after covid's officially over. I hope our transmission chain doesn't kill anyone. * * * Only 13% of people in low-income countries could get vaccinated. World Trade Organization's Trade- Related Aspects of Intellectual Property (TRIPS) provisions protected pharmaceutical billionaires' right to become multibillionaires at government expense. 12th Ministerial of World Trade Organization starts today in Geneva. Countries that can't afford huge handouts to pharma want to manufacture vaccines and rapid tests for their populations. US, UK, EU, and Switzerland continue to block the petition to susp- end TRIPS. Farm and fish subsidies are on the agenda. Crop failures in grain exporting countries (US, Canada), US theft of Syrian grain, EU theft of Ukrainian grain, and sanctions on Russia's good harvest jack up bread prices, cause unrest. New shortages worsen problems caused by WTO rules opposed by 100 countries. Rules prohibit stimulat- ing domestic production for domestic consumption with as little as $300 per farmer. US is exempt; may undercut other countries' agriculture with subsidies, even for export crops, of $40,000 per US farmer. Governments will be overthrown in bread riots be- tween September and May if the grain problem isn't fixed. Fisheries are a similar protection racket. Proposed Sustainable Development Goals about global collapse of fish populations will place impossible restrict- ions on poor countries whose populations rely on national fisheries for much of their diet. Rich countries caused fishery collapse, but have capac- ity to monitor and report as proposed, so may cont- inue to subsidize overfishing for export. If the draft passes, cheap subsidized fish will be sent as food aid to countries starved and sickened by WTO policy. * * * Now that I'm thinking more clearly, I'll try to finish my paper for school.