Subject: convert (ImageMagick) cheatsheet Date: 2019-07-10 Wed 15:51 convert ## Input file [ FORMAT ':' ] INPUT_FILE.EXT [ '[' FRAME ']' ] FORMAT and FRAME are optional parameters. FORMAT specifies the format of the image data; it's useful when dealing with stdin. FRAME can be used to select a frame from a composite (PS/PDF) or animated (GIF) image. ## Output options -resize WIDTH 'x' HEIGHT | GEOMETRY Resizes the input to fit the passed geometry -filter 'interpolative' | 'point' | 'box' | 'triangle' | ... The filter to be used when resizing; use 'point' for pixel art, or better, the '-sample' option -sample WIDTH 'x' HEIGHT Like '-resize' with '-filter point', but faster -quantize 'RGB' | 'CMY' | 'sRGB' | 'GRAY' | ... The colorspace to be used by the output -dither 'none' | 'Riemersma' | 'FloydSteinberg' The algorithm to be used when dithering; see 'convert -list dither' for a list -colors N How many colors to include in the output palette ## Output file [ FORMAT ':' ] OUTPUT_FILE.EXT