December 23rd, 2022: Panic Attacks Today I had another panic attack. I have never had panic attacks before, but about a month ago I had a really bad one when I went to my doctor's office/pharmacy as I do every other week to pick up medication. I had no idea what was happening... My body started going numb and "buzzing". My heart was pounding. I was pouring sweat. I felt like I was dying. My stomach and digestive system was cramping so badly I honestly thought I was going to crap my pants. It slowly passed after about 20 minutes. I wouldn't wish that on my worst enemy. When I got home I passed out. Well, I don't know if it was apprehension or what, but I had another one the next time I visited. That was 2 weeks ago, and I (mostly) managed to overcome it with breathing, and trying to order my thoughts. I kept reminding myself that I was safe, that I'd be back home soon. And that sort of helped. Today, it started before I even got to my pharmacy. During the last leg of my public transit trip there, I started going all numb and tingly, and my heart was pounding. I had to get off the bus and walk to the pharmacy. Being outside seemed to help fight it off, a bit. When I got there, I wasn't doing too bad. I had called ahead and so they were already preparing my medication, because I knew I wanted to just grab it and go to avoid a prolonged visit. Well, after sitting there for a couple minutes (I ordered a Lyft home as a *huge* winter storm was bearing down on Toronto), it started back up again. Really, really bad. Stomach cramps, whole body going numb and buzzing, voices seemed too loud. I was thinking I needed to get to a toilet, so I forced myself to stand up and go outside, and as the cold air hit me I realized the storm was already starting. The wind was whipping and the snow was flying. My ride was about 7 minutes away, and I was going to go into the coffee shop next door and ask to use the bathroom but I realized I couldn't, I didn't have time. However, once again, being outside for a moment helped. I went back into the pharmacy and sat down. Every time a "wave" of the panic subsides, I get an endorphin release because I am just so relieved it's over. So that started happening, and I told my pharmacist what was happening (she was there for the first really bad one) and she helped me breathe and focus. Then my ride arrived. The ride home wasn't too bad, it almost started to flare up again but I was able to fight it off by thinking "Come on, I'll be home and in bed in no time, we're done with what we set out to do today." And that helped. Got home, and it had faded. Leaves me mentally exhausted. Went to the bathroom because 30 minutes prior I was sure I was going to explode; but once I got home, nothing. Sigh. I genuinely don't know what to do about this. The apprehension thinking about the panic attacks happening is probably what is triggering them now. I still don't know what started them in the first place. But I wouldn't wish that feeling on anyone. It's so horrible. Your body is telling you something is DREADFULLY wrong, but your brain knows logically nothing is wrong, but that doesn't matter. It's probably happening in the amygdala, which means it's totally separated from the conscious, logical part of the brain. So maybe I need anti anxiety meds, but those would probably conflict with the other medications I'm on. So I'm just at a loss for what to do. I have to see a mental health professional, but good luck finding one that's available right now. Anyway, this turned out a bit more depressing than I meant. Things are genuinely fine most of the time. I just don't know how to deal with this crap.