__________________________________________________ THE MOST AESTHETICALLY PLEASING PROGRAMMING LANGUAGES __________________________________________________ What is this about? =================== I consider myself to be a hobby programmer. I like constructing something which strictly follows logical rules to produce the desired effect. This was always fascinating to me. Most of the programs I wrote are more or less simple toys with under 1k lines of code. I never tried to make a career out of it because I guess this would also take the joy out of it. The other thing I have with programming is that source code just looks so cool. As you may or may not know the beauty of how a programs flows over the screen is the most important aspect of any programming language. Here are my favorites. Brainfuck ========= The complete language consists of only eight commands, so there is absolutely no chance of finding a disruptive character or construct in the source code (without comments of course). Since every command takes up only one character you can arrange your code to have the same number of characters on every line. This is absolute perfection: ,---- | ,[++++++++++++++>>>+++++++[-<+++++++>]<--[-<++>] | <<[>[->+>+<<]>[-<<-[>]>>>[<[>>>-<<<[->>>>+<<<<]] | >>]<<]>>>+<<[-<<+>>]<<<]>>>>>[-]>[-<<<<<->>>>>]< | <<<+++++++++++[-<+++>]<[->>+<<]>>[-<+<+>>]>+<+++ | +++++++[-<-------->]<+[>]>>[<<<----------------- | ------------------------------>>>>]<-<<[-]<.,][] `---- Note that the last two instruction do absolutely nothing. They are only there to keep the character count per line even. 6502 assembler ============== Like in Brainfuck the character length of each instruction is constant. Each opcode consist of exactly three letters. Hex values are indicated by a lovely dollar sign, number literals by a hash. Every line of code is generally quite short. As long as you don't overdo your commenting the source code fits approximately in a nice square-like shape. Although your compiler is most likely case-insensitive you absolutely have to write your code ALL-CAPS: ,---- | ;THIS SUBROUTINE ARRANGES THE 8-BIT ELEMENTS OF A LIST IN | ;ASCENDING ORDER. THE STARTING ADDRESS OF THE LIST IS IN LOCATIONS | ;$30 AND $31. THE LENGTH OF THE LIST IS IN THE FIRST BYTE OF THE | ;LIST. LOCATION $32 IS USED TO HOLD AN EXCHANGE FLAG. | | SORT8 LDY #$00 ;TURN EXCHANGE FLAG OFF (= 0) | STY $32 | LDA ($30),Y ;FETCH ELEMENT COUNT | TAX ; AND PUT IT INTO X | INY ;POINT TO FIRST ELEMENT IN LIST | DEX ;DECREMENT ELEMENT COUNT | NXTEL LDA ($30),Y ;FETCH ELEMENT | INY | CMP ($30),Y ;IS IT LARGER THAN THE NEXT ELEMENT? | BCC CHKEND | BEQ CHKEND | ;YES. EXCHANGE ELEMENTS IN MEMORY | PHA ; BY SAVING LOW BYTE ON STACK. | LDA ($30),Y ; THEN GET HIGH BYTE AND | DEY ; STORE IT AT LOW ADDRESS | STA ($30),Y | PLA ;PULL LOW BYTE FROM STACK | INY ; AND STORE IT AT HIGH ADDRESS | STA ($30),Y | LDA #$FF ;TURN EXCHANGE FLAG ON (= -1) | STA $32 | CHKEND DEX ;END OF LIST? | BNE NXTEL ;NO. FETCH NEXT ELEMENT | BIT $32 ;YES. EXCHANGE FLAG STILL OFF? | BMI SORT8 ;NO. GO THROUGH LIST AGAIN | RTS ;YES. LIST IS NOW ORDERED `---- If you still not convinced keep in mind that the Terminator T-800 runs on a 6502 which is kind of cool in itself. BASIC ===== ALL-CAPS is equally essential in good old BASIC. Another nice feature of the language is that line numbers are mandatory: ,---- | 100 REM+++++++++++++++++++++ | 100 REM+ COMPUTE PI + | 120 REM+++++++++++++++++++++ | 200 N=100:S=0:C=1/N | 220 FORI=1TON | 230 X=(I-0.5)*C | 240 S=S+(4/(1+(X*X))) | 250 NEXTI | 300 PRINT"PI IS",S*C | 320 REM===================== `---- As you can see you don't even need fugly white-space to program in BASIC. Nevertheless I inserted a space after each line number to create a perfectly straight vertical divider.