This morning in the shower, because I think the best in water, I tried to repeat or speak out load my exact thoughts. My reason for this exercise is training myself to focus on speaking or typing exactly what my thoughts are. I have trouble repeating what's in my head to a peice of paper. This process of trying to repeat exact thoughts help me write email and papers at work. I will start typing what I think is in my brain and when I start to re-read what I typed I find very confusing shit that doesn't make any sense. So, I thought about this process last night and I think if I practise speaking outload exactly what I'm thinking in my brain, that this will help me with my writing. My result of practising in the shower got me so pissed off that I got a headache. I could NOT do it! No matter how hard I tried I could repeat my thoughts out load. God dame it, I was made. Now, I understand why I have to re-type a simple paragraph three or four type before it make any sense. unfortunitly, this takes a great deal of time. I need more practise.