Grandpa's power to see objects that are not really there, is from stage 3 of the Parkinson's disease. Grandpa can touch and change the position of the objects, when he can reach them; the object often move away from him. He tells me that the objects continue to move around and he can't feel anything when he touched them. Our first conversation about his hallucinations started when we where watching TV and he started placing his hand in front of his face. He saw me looking at him and he asked me, "Is it OK if I do this, does it bother you." I said, "no" and I asked him to tell me more about what he sees. I'm calling his ability to manifest objects, he's special powers. He told me, he could see the objects better when his tired right before he's ready to go to bed. After he finished coughing, he handed me something and I pretended to told it, just like you would hold a single flower. He placed a couple of small pieces of torn tissue on the side of the bed and told me to watch. he started to strongly stare at the tissue and he could see a one piece of tissue fly away. He said, "Did you see it fly away?" I said, "No, but I wish I could." Arrow head object is a lamp on the wall but to Grandpa its four or five black boxes in the space of an arrowhead; we agreed to name it arrowhead. He asked me, "Do witch's go to heaven?" and I said, "yes, everyone with special powers go to heaven." I see him play with the objects and I see him trying to understand he can see them and I can't. He doesn't understand where they come from or why, but I can see him thinking, just like he was thinking about a wood shop project. As the night continued into the early hours of the morning, he was extremely persistant in going home and find the car to get there. we walked all around the hospital as he tried to find a exit to leave. I walked him back to his room, but he couldn't walk in the door. He told me that he didn't want to disturb the three people in his bed and he wanted to go sleep some place else. We walked down to the waiting room and watched TV and we talked about the three people in his bed. I started to realize that his special power was continuing to get stronger and strong as he became more tired. He was becoming more ferastated that he couldn't go to the car and go home.