How can I create free energy? This is something I have been thinking about for the last 4 to 5 years , only when I get a chance to have a free thought. First of all, I need to list of possible areas of interest: wind, motors, magnetic, photonic. Wind power is the easy and most reason answer, beside solar, to free energy. I enjoy a good challenge and I want to express my thoughts on paper about human power. I'm talking about using human body heat to convert into electrical energy to power a computer or using a stationary bike connected to a generator to power a computer. My magnet idea is using common ends of two magnetic to compress and retrack magnetic flux waves to convert into electrical energy. --------- ---------- N | | N --------- ---------- As the poles are compress the flux line create a force that will repel each other. These compress can be measured with a sensor placed in the middle of the two poles. --------- --------- N | * | N --------- | --------- | | ---> Sensor measuring flux waves These measured flux lines are converted into electrical energy in the form of AC. For example these compression is measured in a scale of a sin wave. | | | * | * * | * * | * * ------------------------ | | | 1 2 3 1) Starting middle ground and shifting point between positive and negitive sin wave 2) The Compression of both magnets pushed together. 3) release of the magnets back to the shifting point. Here is a representation of repeated compressions | * * * | * * * * * * | * * * * * * | * * * * * * -------------------------------------------------------- As you can see we are missing the negative haalf of the sin wave and this wave is created by using the another half of the magenet. --------- ------------------ ------- N |* | N S | * | S --------- | ------------------ | ------- | | --> Sensors <----------- ( + ) ( - ) As the N pole is being compress the S pole released with each pole creating one half of the sin wave. | * * * | * * * * * * | * * * * * * ----------------------------------------- * * * * * * * * * * * * * ** ** Now that I have a full sin wave and I can create a converted DC signal and generate a 5 volt signal to power a computer. Yes their are alot of missing info that I still have fill-in. I will add more later.