Will here I am again, write about my problems, all I can say is that the write helps, so suck it up and read this shit. The worst part about write in this journal to help relieve my frustrations is that I'm frastrated about life and I'm not sure why. I could generalize by saying it's my enability to read and write at a professional or age level, that's the root cause of my frastration. I could say that I emotionally get to invalved with every aspect of my life and it consumes a great deal of my life energy. My life energy could be better spent on more important things, like riding my motorcyle. I wish I could say that my emotional energy is balanced within your dreams but I can't because my dream are just as emotionally draining as my conchence state. My dreams have been extremely vivid over the last couple of months and I not sure why. Maybe, I need a vacation from myself, like pretended that I'm someone else, because sometime normal life can get tiresome. Sometimes you need a kick in the ass, to remind yourself about how good your life really is. Stop worrying about the big stuff and remember how good the little things really are.