DATE: 2021-01-08 TIME: 11:20 UTC I have a 60 liters acquarium... it's about a lifetime that I wish an acquarium and now that I finally have the gear, I've understood that it's not so easy. The story begins as my brother bought this acquarium for my aunt's birthday. It was my idea and my bro made it... large. As our aunt home is not so big, I wish to take her a good little acquarium but in the hands of my brother that idea simply won't work: 60 liters or more... The result is that the acquarium was too large for my aunt and as it was my dream also to have one, I took it at home ... and now I need quite a tough stand to not bend once full. Then the terraforming. I'm quite good at terraforming as I've made some ecospheres in large bottles. One lasted about an year: it was an acquarium... more like a swamp. Plants and little unknown worms made the ecosystem healty and without changing water nor opening the bottle, the water was clear and the worms thrive so good. As the summer approached and the temperature of my room rised, also the ecosphere suffered. Water became dirt, worm population collapsed and also plants were suffering. So I have opened the bottle and removed all the water safely, and now it became a terrarium. Plants are slowly grown and the ecosystem continues to live. That experiment started in the autumn on 2020, the day before the second lockdown... Now I have 60 liters environment to terraform... it should be interesting. Have a nice life!