2/17/2022 hello gopherer. having a good day over here, just more of the same old stuff. i found an old mini bluetooth keyboard that i had kicking around, so I've been playing with it lately. i ddon't really like using my phone's touch keyboard for long chunks of tiime because my hands get clammy and that messes with the touch screen's capacitance. that being said I'm still pretty slow with this one so I'll see if it sticks. it's kind of nice to just leave the phone on the table and just use this. less glaring at screens is always an improvement as far as i'm concerned. my parents just visited SO and I. we had a nice time seeing them, especially since I didn't get a chance to at christmas because of covid. they treated us to take-out from a local thai place we really like and it was a good time. felt sort of strange to be hostimg for my parents- sort of the opposite of the rest of my life. i just put in my two weeks for my tutoring job. I enjoyed it, but it was getting tiring, and since my main job is starting to pick up i have to focus my priorities.addittionally, SO and I are going to be moving soon, so it will be good to not have to worry about that at the same time. SO and I just started watching the kanye documentary that just came out. I'm not really big on ye anymore, but i was into him for a while in college. It's a pretty good doc so far- that being said I was always more interested in Kanye's earlier stuff. If you haven't given graduation a good listen, i strongly recommend it. I recently hit a 200 day streak on duolingo. thats my big recent achievement. i hope youre achieving cool things too