<-------------------------------------------------------> Title: Why Marmota Who: Leonardo Date: 12/02/22 <-------------------------------------------------------> I named this phlog "Marmota", but what does it mean? First of all, the nomenclature here is still confusing for me. What can i call this place? Phlog, Gopherspace and Gopherhole are all interchangeable is this particular case? Anyways, there's no gopher here in Brazil. The animal, i mean. I wanted to know what they're called here. When translating the word, most places will give you "esquilo", which means squirrel. Not perfect. The brazilian Wikipedia page for it is titled "Geomyidae", which is the rodent family gophers are part of. Not what i wanted either. So, there's no name for this creature in my language. And it absolutely doesn't look like a squirrel. It's way more similar to a groundhog, right? There's a word for groundhogs in portuguese, and there's even a National Day for them on USA. February 2nd, my birthday. So, guess what "Marmota" means? Have an amazing day, Leo