<------------------------------------------------------------------> What: Time Who: Leonardo When: 04/03/22 Where: Work office <------------------------------------------------------------------> We're already at March, that's insane. Four days into March! Where is my time going? Some days i see that i spend to much time watching series, maybe playing games... But most days i just look at the clock and it's gone. It's like i'm doing nothing all day besides working. I want to get more into music. I have a ukulele that i used to play sometimes, but for some months is just gathering dust in my closet. There's that old Win98 PC that i want to repair, just need to find some cables lost in my drawers. I want to understand more about Unix systems, make more use of SDF and similars, with Gopher, Gemini, my homepage... I want to learn another language this year, mainly Libras (brazilian sign language). But it feels i don't have time for any of that. Is my current job really having this much impact? How do you find time and energy for yourself and hobbies? I can remember my highschool teachers asking me: "What do you do from 00h to 6h?" I fucking sleep! I'm tired all the time and the weed sure doesn't help. A post here about drugs may come soon. And after every post i write in here i understand why people do it. That's something freeing to write about your life... Even if nobody reads it.