Final Thoughts on Emacs ======================= It's been nearly 2 weeks now mucking around with Emacs. Not long enough to become truly comfortable with it, but long enough to understand the Emacs paradigm. Emacs is more than just an editor. Somewhere I read it is an operating system with a satisfactory editor. It has some interesting options and can be customised to your heart's content. It is also big, complicated and tries to be too many things for too many people in my view. It edits, does todos, notes, email, and who knows what else. I am a bit of a minimalist and Emacs seems to contradict the UNIX philosophy of doing one thing and doing it well. I have an editor - vim - which with plugins can be used to do many things. The only plugin I use is vimwiki, which from what I can see does most things that Emacs org-mode does. I have a todo list program - todo.txt - a shell script when paired up with Dropbox or something similar can by used across multiple devices. I have an email program - mutt. I have a terminal multiplexer - tmux (and to a certain extent vim windows). So the final verdict? I'm glad I've tried Emacs. I appreciate what some people see in it - but it's not for me. --- 2020-08-13