4.10.20 Life is such a confusing process. It's so hard to understand what I want most of the time these days. Some days anything is overwhelming, and other days I feel like I'm on top of the world. I often wonder, privately, how happy I am with the state of my life and the decisions I've made. Within the past couple of years I moved across the country, changed jobs a few times, lost friends, made new ones, started seeing a terapist, gotten engaged, changed my name, and fallen in and out of various kinds of relationships. I was more or less a shut-in for a number of years, and I wonder if I was happier then. At least, things were much simpler. I mostly just wish for a clear path to deal with the ambient level of distress I've been dealing with more and more. Anyway, that's about where I am with my life or my assessment of my "self" right now, and it feels nice to put it down somewhere. -Vx