1.19.21 Hello again Well, this has been a rougher than usual chunk of time. My supervisor at work has decided that I need more responsibilities, and keeps making this decision every few days it seems like. My workload is already at least 4x what it was just at the beginning of the year, and there are no signs of that slowing down. I try to explain that the workload overwhelms me, but she won't listen. Sometimes I get the feeling that I'm just incapable of communicating with others. People rarely seem to understand what I tell them, or at least they don't act like they do. Even my therapist sometimes seems like she's just asking me the same questions over and over for an entire session. I feel very alone. I read a book a number of years ago that has stuck with me, I think it describes this feeling fairly well-- Ningin Shikkaku by Dazai Osamu. This isn't a new feeling by any means for me, but it has been some time since I've felt it so strongly. This feeling of total removal from humanity. I hope that I can get out of it sooner rather than later. In lighter news, I have started to put resumes out for openings working in IT. I'm trying to keep my expectations reasonable, as I don't have a lot of the requisite work experience or traditional schooling that would help me, but I'm hoping that my enthusiasm and willingness to learn come through enough to give me a shot. I'm mostly hoping for a help desk position, but eventually I'd like something less client-facing and more challenging/rewarding. It at least gives me some ray of hope that I can leave this job and move on to something more personally interesting (and possibly more lucrative, but I'd be willing to take a pay cut for the right position). I've decided that if nothing happens by the time it's safe enough to travel, I'm just going to put in my notice here and travel for a month or two, then focus full-time on honing my skills (and my resume) for an IT job until I can find one. I normally do not think it is a smart idea to leave a job without something else in the works, but I have enough saved up to live off of for some time, and this job has gotten that oppressive. In the million-to-one chance that you know someone looking to hire a 20-something year old lady who has some light scripting experience and a passion for *nix systems, networking, and learning about new technologies in the Southwestern PA area, let me know! -Vx