GOPHER : Basic Training Manual GOPHER is a protocol similar to HTTP but more spartan in appearance. It’s kind of like FTP with a browser. There are two browsers included with your SDF membership that you can use to browse gopherspace. The browsers are called LYNX and GOPHER. I suggest using LYNX. Browsing with GOPHER seems easy until you look at how the ‘w’ command works in order to browse the gopherspace. The go command in LYNX is much easier to use. To browse SDF gopherspace: $ gopher gopher:// Or $ lynx gopher:// That will bring you to the top level of SDF’s gopherspace. Use the online help included in the program’s interface in order to get to know how to navigate directories. After a short browse, you should have a pretty good idea of what gopher is all about. Files! It’s all about the files. To start building your gopherspace, try the following $ mkgopher You will see this prompt (below): MKGOPHER> Type ‘help’ to get a list and short description of commands. To get started try this: MKGOPHER> edit gophermap A gophermap is a kind of directory tool that allows you to map a gopher directory. If you make a gophermap and a file like say, hello.txt, when you close mkgopher, the program will create a directory in your home containing the gophermap and your first file. If the ‘editor’ is still open put these lines in your Gophermap, but use a real tab in place of the in the gopher file resource locator line below (the line that starts with 0). The first lines is merely a salutation: _ _ ______ /=V=\ |======| /=^=^=\ |=|_ /=/ V \=\ |===| /=/ \=\ |=|___ /=/ \=\ |======| This is my gopherspace. Welcome. 0Hello Worldhello.txt Type ctrl+x to close the file and accept the name as ‘gophermap’. Now create hello.txt MKGOPHER> edit hello.txt Inside the editor window, enter whatever ‘Hello’ text you would like. For example: Hello, world! Now type ctrl+x to close the editor. Type ‘quit’ to exit mkgopher: MKGOPHER> quit Now set the permissions for your gopherspace: $ mkgopher -p Now check out your new hole: $ gopher gopher:// Where ‘username’ is your SDF username. For example, my site is gopher:// If everything is correct, your hole should be live! Hope that works for you and happy digging. ---------------------------------------------------------- LEGAL NOTE: These artworks are distributed under the terms of a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0) You are free to: Share - Copy and redistribute the material in any medium or format as long as you give me credit for my original work. The licensor cannot revoke these freedoms as long as you follow the license terms.