++++ 3/18/2024 ++++ I melted some butter into a pan, and put in some elm seeds, which are called samaras. I picked them fresh off a tree from the back, stripping off all of the ones I could reach without having to do any climbing. This amounted to a handful, and may be all of the elm seed I eat this season as they are available for only a short window. Next, I put one egg in to the side of the samaras to fry. One top of this, some dandelion greens from the back. I absolutely love dandelion on eggs. I can't always reliably crop dandelions from my yard, but if I'm willing to go off the property to forage, I have a pretty long dandelion season. As I also believe in growing some vegetables on purpose, I placed a large mustard leave from a plant that I had started in in the late fall and had protected over winter. I sprinkled on a little commercial garlic salt, and this was my only seasoning. As the samaras started looking cooked, I spooned them on top the top layer, to help wilt the mustard a bit. I was also looking for the dandelion leaves to get to a pretty crispy texture. Lastly, I had some onion greens from the garden, which I had been cropping off for almost a full year now, having bought one bunch of green onions from the store and just planted them out. This snack represented a lot of things that I am about: Connection to the outdoors, knowledge, DIY -- hacked. == This work is hereby in the public domain. Do what you want with it.