Introduction ============ I see this gopher hole as a clearing house for information related to what I value in design and manufacture. Lables for these could include solar punk, appropriate technology, deindustrialization -- but my favorite title is junk punk. I want you to be a junk punk. But through YouTube? ==================== While it's a shame I had to learn so much from YouTube, at least I learned, and I want to give others the opportunity to learn from those videos. In the long run I would like to make more of this information native to this gopher hole, but for now, the information is where it is -- and information wants to be free. The best channel for teaching you how to make things on the lowest budget is PhilipStephens007. He gets his own page. And the rest get a page, combined. If you'd rather read a pdf, and can try to get your head around 70s counter-culture prose, I would say read this: -- This work is hereby in the public domain. Do what you want with it.