2022-06-12 In general I think modern social media is unhealthy in large quantities but I'm not ready to write the whole effort off as a waste of time. Just like eating a candybar or drinking hard liquor, social media can be enjoyed in moderation. I will fully admit my guilty pleasure is spending time swiping through instagram stories to see viral videos and videos related to my interests. This is a fun pastime but it is so incredibly easy to become addicted and waste hours swiping through these videos. Companies like Instagram and TikTok design their apps to do this. One of the easy way I combat this is to just unload the instagram app on my iphone. When you unload an app in iOS, the app icon remains and in order to open that program again you have to download it. On cellphone data, downloading an app like instagram is rather slow and annoying depending on your personal cell data connection. I find that this has a great effect in preventing the casual unconcious habit of flipping to your phone when you are bored and launching instagram for lack of something better to do. Additionally, I've completely uninstalled the facebook app from my iphone as well. When I need to check facebook I will launch it from the web browser on my phone. The experience of doing that is just annoying enough that I don't often do it. But I will admit, the facebook habit is pretty hard to kick. But if you delete the app, at least you have a pretty good chance of reducint your time spent browsing through all the algorithmically selected content. If facebook ever improved their mobile website enough, then it might be difficult to stop checking it. Luckily, facebook doesn't appear to give a crap about how bad their mobile experience is on native iOS safari.