2022-07-04 For those that reside in the US, Happy Independence Day! I've mentioned earlier that I've been using lagrange as my gopher browser lately. The more I use it the more I like it. I don't have a broadband connection at my home so I use my smartphone's 4G LTE connection as the primary way to connect to the internet. As you can imagine, this means that I highly prioritize bandwidth savings and content rendering speed above all else. This neatly fits into the use cases for the indie-web as well as gopher. gopherspace should never be a full substitute for the actual web but I do find myself wanting to bring more content from the regular internet into gopherspace. This is similar to the floodgap news feeds (floodfeeds) project. I've done a quick prototype of bringing in some youtube channels into a river of news style gophermap. Originally I was using an online RSS feed reader to get this same information but rendering these feeds as a gophermap is extremely bandwidth efficient compared to most online RSS readers. you can see this work on my root gophermap under Hololive. Using lagrange and connecting to my gophermap gives me essentially the same functionality for a minor but noticeable decrease in bandwidth usage.