The rain is falling outside as I write this; there's something odd about witnessing a rainstorm in a desert. It's supposed to happen every once and a while, but I never expect to be around to witness it. I don't live here, and it feels like a fairly intimate and rare thing to see for someone who's just passing through. Anyway, I'm in Scottdale with my parents and my sister for Christmas, and it's pouring. Two days ago, I put up the latest issue of New Session on telnet. I'm really happy with the stories and poems in it, and the reception has been good, but it does seem a bit tame compared to the first issue. Maybe just less novelty? Hope to share some more excerpts on twitter to build a bit more excitement around it. I'm not sure what I expect, really, what do other editors of literary magazines expect when publishing issues? But I'm excited for the reading in January and maybe there's room to build others' excitement for it too. Doubling the amount of RAM on the server that's hosting it was a _wonderful_ idea as well; it's just so snappy now! I can't wait till I'm home and can play around with it on my Commodore 128. I'm thinking about the new Matrix movie after seeing it last night; the focus- group scene and brainstorming the film itself was the most interesting part. It worked for this film (meta, self-referential, of course, it's the Matrix), but when this becomes a trope, or a norm for the array of reboots we're seeing given a creatively-bankrupt Hollywood, we'll look back on it and see it as deeply tedious. Twin Peaks is doing similar things more artfully in its Return (which I'm about 1/3 of the way through currently), and it's the obvious play as we all get bored with the same IP getting rotated through its paces. Thankful for David Lynch and Lana Wachowski taking the time to do it artfully, but we'll all be sick of it soon, I'm sure. Still two days in Scottsdale, then up to the desert for three days of camping. Mojave National Preserve, then Death Valley. Trying to scout out some hot springs too, it's going to be wonderful to disconnect for a bit. Will try and keep writing for this little journal while I'm out there.