Repairs. Taking apart the computer where I read posts in gopherspace, firing it up, making sure it all works properly, then getting carried away with reading. I installed a SoundBlaster 16. There's an FM synth chip I can use on it for writing music. The first time, there was some gunk on the ISA pins, so I take it out, reseat it, pop it back in. Was it something on the pins, or was it a driver conflict? I make changes to the AUTOEXEC.BAT. Regardless, it works now. I play a track someone else has written on the synth from a DOS prompt. Type `win`. Smile when I hear the Windows 98 startup noise. Click open my gopher client. Read some writing. A leftist, dead from an overdose. Tarot readings. Family dinners at Cracker Barrel. Life, in a dozen places. I'm trying very hard to stay optimistic this year. EDIT: right as I transferred this post to my desktop, the old machine seized up and displayed a checkerbox pattern of glitches. A bad portent?