We are planning to sell two older laptops and buy a new one for my wife. Then I can get a decent monitor hooked up with a RPi 3B+ to use in my office. It will mostly be running a light-weight terminal (maybe urxvt) so speed and responsiveness should not be an issue. This setup is possible because for the last few weeks I have been working on the SDF MetaArray and make it a working environment for an editor and a writer. I compiled the newest version of Emacs stable on it, and use that as my main computing/writing environment. Due to the portability of Emacs and the ubiquity of SDF access, I can say that my work flow has finally become almost hardware agnostic -- although fast internet, a decent keyboard and a nice display are always preferred. As a result, I have changed the way I look at productivity devices. The ideal computer has changed from powerful boxes to portable ones with good connectivity and good I/O setup. Software setup has also become simpler. I don't have to install 30 pieces of software on every computer that I work on. I just need to configure the keyboard, and maybe install a colorscheme for the terminal (Solarized Dark is a classic). I only have to maintain my software and dotfiles in one place alone.