The first week of October is China's National Day holiday. Many people would choose to relax and spend time with their family. But I choose to work on my Internet residence -- my SDF account. It already feels like home for I put my files on it and do all my work on it. But it feels like a rental home because I cannot install new compilers in my home dir. Although I can compile some software -- including git and emacs, which are very useful, but anything that uses C++11 standard cannot be compiled by the built-in GCC 4.4. Browsing bboard, I find that other users are discussing the possibilities to install software without additional permissions or sudo. One of them mentions linuxbrew [0]. In theory, it should let me compile my own compilers and other tools, to enable me to install virtually any linux software. But in practice, linuxbrew also complains about the very old GCC on Centos 7. I tried to install newer gcc and/or LLVM/Clang compiler, and have these findings: 1. GCC 8.2.0 requires only a compiler that supports C++98 standard, and it is possible to bootstrap a GCC 8.2.0 installation with GCC 4.4 on Centos. 2. But the newest Clang won't compile due to a class called "Corpus" in its source code. I wonder if a native Clang compiler would work with that. But Clang needs newer libcpp or libstdc++ to compile the LLVM source code. 3. In fact, linuxbrew has an "official" way of installing the necessary compiler (GCC 5.5.0) on its GitHub [1]. It is in fact much faster than trying to compile GCC 8 on my own and trying to hoax brew into using the custom compiler. So I have wasted a few days of my holiday but it is fun nonetheless. And as a hobby I may start to look at Linux from Scratch.