2022-07-19 ---------- Hi there, to anyone reading: hope you're doing well. Once again (as per usual), my country faces an economic crisis that is gutting the working class. I was wondering the other day, thuough, when was the last time things went well? I sincerely can't remember. Ever since I've been born, the country is going to hell. At this point one gets used to it. To live through crisis after crisis. We're like plants breaking pavement, intent on growing. But is it worth growing and surfacing, if there's only a hell waiting for us? I'm rambling again in a tongue I don't quite understand. --- On more normal news, I quit my job. No more Big Brother roleplaying for me! God how I hated doing video surveillance. My new job is boring as fuck and pays a little more than the former one, but at least I don't feel like I'm going insane by the end of my shift. Cheers for that! I'm turning 30 nest month and it feels like a joke. Do you guys have almohaditas (little pillows) where you live? It's like a cereal, shaped like a pillow, with a sugary filling. Usually lemon or strawberry flavor. Anyway, in my almost 30 years of life, I'm grateful for being born in a place where you can buy almohaditas by bulk. Take care, I'll be writing later. --Charo