Chase Raz Wednesday 29 November 2017 ================================================== WHAT EXCUSE DO I HAVE NOW? ================================================== I'm currently teaching a class at my University that I haven't taught in almost two years. I was hired to write the course as a marketing course for new media, but it evolved into a class called Business Technology and Ecommerce. Business technology was the name of the game, so to speak, just like in the rest of my professional life. Since my departure from the course years ago (for some other digital marketing courses), the class has been retooled to Business Technology and Design. Yikes! Now, don't get me wrong. I've "done" website design for over twenty years, but design was never my specialty. Neither was development, if I'm being perfectly honest. No, my speciality has always been on the business side, firmly with ideation and strategy. The second week of this course's new version that I'm covering is all about Adobe Illustrator. The third week is about Adobe Photoshop. I find myself in trouble because I've always used Corel software (Draw, Photo-Paint) instead of Adobe. I honestly didn't know the material to teach. I'm about thirty minutes away from going into the classroom and teaching the first portion, Illustrator. I've spent the last two days learning and prepping... I've relied upon my similar experiences with Corel Draw and my ages-old experience in high school journalism class of using some ancient version of Illustrator, InDesign, and a number of Adobe's competitors in these spaces, and I am quite up to speed. In fact, I should be riding a high right now. The purpose of the class isn't to teach these specific pieces of software, but rather to show that basic proficiency--in terms of horizontal development--can easily be gained using our business technology tools, in order to create more for our businesses. We're specifically interested in knowing just enough to be dangerous, in as much as that it helps us and not hurts us in the modern business world. I'm not riding a high. In fact, I'm kicking myself. Two days of cramming these tools and do you know what I have to show for it? A LOT! I just whipped together a logo sketch idea that is almost 18 years old. It's been floating around in my head since I was a teenager. The design isn't special (it's really easy, actually), but I told myself a lot of lies about why I couldn't start this business. I've even started other businesses actively avoiding this dream enterprise! The lies were supported by claims that I didn't know enough, or I wasn't old enough, or some other bogus factor. I have a lot to show for this experience: a lot of wasted time and a lot of excuses. Now I'm old enough (mid 30s), and I apparently know enough. So what excuse will I use now?