Chase Raz Monday 11 December 2017 ================================================== HAPPY HOLIDAYS ================================================== For some reason, students start acting really poorly around the holidays. It's as if many of them are whisked back in time to when they were a kid and they begin to act out as a reflection of the stressors present in the environment. Whether university students or corporate training clients, many individuals can pick up on the stressors that are facing the instructor, the organization, and even the client or customer. Of course, this compounds when factored in with their own stressors. In the end, you get a lot of childish and bad behavior from people 20, 40, or even 60 years old. Each year, I begin a "wrap up" process for the year as early as October. It is one of my key goals to have the bulk of my "deliverables" (projects and whatnot) completed by Halloween, which is October 31. You may shake your head and question my professionalism, or even think me lazy. However, I'm not kicking back throughout November and December. The early wrap-up date of Halloween typically ensures that I'm just barely finished with all projects by the second or third week of December. Yeah... it's that bad. Just as a retailer promotes sales after "Black Friday", or whenever they actually do break even for the year, in order to maximize profits, I tend to promote administrative work at the end of the year to make sure that I and my business are both ready to conclude all tasks and prepare for the upcoming year. It is with this practice and understanding that I wish each and every one of you a very happy and merry holiday season. Personally, I'll already celebrated Halloween (Day of the Dead for me in rememberance of those departed) and Thanksgiving. I'm eagerly looking forward to the Winter Solstice, Christmas, and the New Year to welcome in 2018. Comments: