HOWTO Change Window Title To Current URLs In Forg 0.5.1: 1. Become root 2. Open /usr/share/forg/ in a text editor 3. Find the line that says: def setLocation(self, resource): 3b. In the same block above the last line "return None" change that to: newURL = URL if URL[:9].lower() == "gopher://": newURL = URL[0] + URL[6:] self.title("FORG %s" % forg.getVersion() + " - " + newURL) return None 4. Each line should begin with 8 spaces; save the file 5. From now on, Forg should display the current URL as the window title These instructions, including source code, are Public Domain. All Wrongs Reversed. Copy or Modify, and Share for Any Purpose.