Hello! You've just stumbled upon chr's log. I post on this log random thoughts and facts that I like to share in Gopherspace. You can leave a comment if you wish. When you click on "Post a comment" (below every log entry), your client will ask you to input some text.[1] Enter your comment there as: YOU: Hey this is my comment! where YOU is your (nick)name. Keep your comments below 140 alphanumeric or -.?:/()!_', characters. That's all! If you like the structure of this log and want to have something similar, go to to the /scripts/ugo/ directory: gopher://sdf.lonestar.org/1/users/chr/scripts/ugo -- [1] This depends on the client. For instance, if you're using Lynx you'll see at the bottom of the screen this text "Enter a database query: "; if you're using floodgap's proxy a new page will open with an input box; if you're using Firefox, you'll see... nothing, or, actually, you'll see an error message because the script is buggy in Firefox.