I've just joined the gloggers/phloggers. I'm not a hardcore blogger. Indeed, the last entry on my http blog was on 20 Jun 2009.[1] Actually I stop posting there because I find blosxom limited for a blog. I mean, I like its simplicity, but it lacks some features I like to be there by default in a *web* log. For instance, I like that you can post simple txt files with a simple markup syntax (like markdown) and then they get formatted with HTML, but blosxom doesn't format the entries. You have to add html to your plain text file. I know there are plug-ins, but I have bad experiences with them. For that reason I started a simple blog script.[2] It stalled. The reason why I didn't continue with it is that in those days a project to write something for MOTD came up. I was very enthusiastic to participate in it, but after some days there were no more discussion about it. Then these gopher logs came. The last time I played with Gopher was around August 2008.[3] It's fun to have a log in Gopherspace. Not that was I want in a *web* log is available in a *gopher* log, but that's fine. It's Gopherspace, after all! Now I have my Gopher hole up and running again. I'll try to post more frequently. It it will be easier now that I have a script to update the gopher log. You are welcome to play and experiment with it: gopher://sdf.lonestar.org/1/users/chr/scripts/ugo/ Have fun! PS. I'm using the script and friends ("comment.cgi" and "archive.cgi") to update this log and add some features to it. However, the script is "alpha". If something explodes, I'm not responsible! The script and co. were put in public domain, so do with it/them whatever you like. -- [1] http://chr.motd.org/blog/ [2] Here's a test: http://chr.motd.org/test/ [3] After SDF's Gopher server was changed for Bucktooth I didn't post more content on my Gopher hole, and IIRC it was around those days.