Happy Beltane! Five Questions: How would you describe sleep to an alien? What in your opinion is a fascinating cultural tradition or practice? What's a beverage you loved, but was discontinued? I loved the herbal fizzy beverage Aqua Libra. Have you ever experienced a "healing crisis" or withdrawal symptoms while recovering your health? [Deleted example as it turns out my wooziness is attributed to improper head position during some qigong forms, but I once sweat out ketones at 1:30 am, prompting my neutered male cat to jump on the bed, yowling, circling me, before zooming out again. Ketone smell is very similar to the spray of an intact male cat, hence the kitty's anxiety.] Have you recently had a rediscovery? For example, I am deep into early Mills Brothers, the proto-doowop harmonizing quartet. My mother and her brothers talked about Harry Mills, whose singing style inspired Dean Martin, but now that I see their videos on YouTube, I see that Donald Mills has the velvet voice I swoon to, although I have always liked Harry's voice -- it's just more prominent in the postwar recordings. Answers aNONradio episode (new!) screwtape https://archives.anonradio.net/202305030000_screwtape.mp3 gemini: mcornick gemini://mcornick.org/5q-20230502.txt mrpieceofwork gemini://rawtext.club/~mrpieceofwork/5Qs.gmi gopher: dctrud gopher://randomroad.net:70/0/phlog/2023-05-07_5_Questions.txt mcornick gopher://mcornick.org/0/5q-20230502.txt HTML: mcornick https://mcornick.org/5q-20230502.html