I was originally going to call this one "the_cody_diet.txt", but I don't know if Cody would approve of me sharing his name. Ho hum. The users on SDF have a lot of cool and varied interests! There was a health forum on the BBoard and, shoot, that's a pretty new interest of mine. The first thread was ab--OOPS HERE'S THE DIET: Morning - banana Work out Post-workout - chicken breast 3/4 cup rice one avocado protein shake Three hours later* - chicken breast (Cardio day? Add 1/4 cup cream of rice) Three hours later - chicken breast 1/2 cup minute oatmeal with a tablespoon of peanut butter powder add 1/4 cup almond chunks after it's cooked Final meal, at least three hours later - 1/2 cup rice four scrambled eggs Note: You need a cheat day once a week or this diet will slow your metabolism down too much. Like, seriously. CHEAT. Eat a whole pizza. Eat a whole chicken. OKAY sorry, I realized I was doing that thing where I told a stupid, long story before sharing a recipe. NOW it's time for the stupid long story! So, -obviously- my dietery needs are not the same as a competitive body builder's, but I've always been curious about his diet since he started it up, years ago. That guy never takes a break, and it's kind of always been a running gag that he just will not eat anything if it's not Sunday. Only, after four months of quarantine in isolation, he was still /super/ lean, and he basically wasn't working out. Now, my fabulous secret power is that I'm the only person in my immediate family who didn't get fat--but you know, who doesn't want to get healthier, even when they're already passably healthy? Besides, I have GOBLIN BODY, even if my gut isn't really noticeable. It'd be cool to get some muscle on the side, if I could! Er, but I'm getting ahead of myself a bit. Back to that part about SDF users and their fitness BBoard! One of the two conversations there was about diets, which is actually what prompted this. I don't think it's actually relevant to THAT PARTICULAR post listing--this diet is absolutely for people who are at least not unhealthy, I think. And there are plenty of reasons not to do it--you're eating eighteen chickens per week and some people are vegetarian, not to mention apparently too much protein can put you at risk (like, super at risk) for cancer later in life. And, look at that, it's a high fat, high protein diet. LUCKILY it's working for me, woohoo! I fudged the numbers a bit for my copy, since I can NOT eat that much, much less the fact I don't want to enter body building competitions. Still, I love the results so far! I didn't even think I was putting on a little extra fluff in the last couple of months, but looking at this BEFORE picture, my face looks a little more trim. That's a good feeling! It doesn't hurt that chicken is absolutely tasty, either. I have yet to get sick of this diet--even though I'm using a lot of mustard, now. When Cody said he puts mustard on everything because it adds basically nothing to the nutrition, I was MOST excited. Jewish family! I've got mustard for MONTHS. ...Only, it turns out all my fancy mustard is actually pretty loaded with less-than-optimal nutrition facts. I bought a bottle of French's for the first time in my life, urgh. Still! Taste acquired by the second bite, hee. Right, right, the scary part. Now, the person whose homework I copied ab-so-LUTE-ly goes to the gym and does serious weight training. I am a weenie. I did manage to find some fifteen pound dumbbells, but they are WAY too heavy for me. Or so I thought! My, like... one fly rep, four curls, and other embarrassing nonsense got his nod of approval. His thing is, work out on an empty stomach (or with a banana for carbs if you're doing serious weight training!) and go until you can't go. Since I was doing that, it was fine that it only took one minute. HIS overly complex dumbbell workout that he's been doing all quarantine only takes about three minutes! Of course, if I tried his, I would start sweating and fall over. He knows more about yoga than I do, which is weirdly embarrassing. Another workout I've been doing (also his idea) is to wake up and then take a dose of this stuff called BCAA powder on an empty stomach (it's a little expensive!) then go powerwalking for thirty to forty minutes. I am sweating like an ice sculpture in Arizona by the end of it, but wow! Apparently the BCAA powder (we use "BPI Best BCAA Shredded" but I don't know if it matters) (but get the little bucket because the bigger ones taste like chemicals, apparently) is there to make your body use fat for energy, and it absorbs super fast so you can just about start right away. I do that, then my dumbbell stuff, then drink some PROTEIN POWDER like some kind of gym person. I copied his homework again and got the "Gold Standard 100% WHEY, Double Rich Chocolate". Not because I felt like his protein shake choice mattered, it just tasted good. Kinda like cold Swiss Miss in water. But yeah, doing that, then having the first meal of the day immediately afterwards--mm-mm! By day two, that avocado tasted like a cake. Admittedly, I do pretty much always cut the rice out. Not because I don't want to get THICK, I'm just lazy. I don't have a rice cooker and my Instant Pot requires far too much cleaning after making rice. Still, it's great when I DO it! And I guess, rice aside, this diet is pretty keto-ish. I'm eating a LOT, I have a LOT of energy, and I'm never hungry--but I'm still losing weight! I guess I should mention one other warning: anyone else on Team Pink, the tummy area is not the only upper body hotspot where we lose fat, doing this. Oh well. So, yes, not a good diet to tout to someone trying to lose weight for medical reasons. This was made by some guy (with a nursing degree, in fairness), not a doctor. He did all the math or whatever to make the perfect diet for his lifestyle. I'm just glad and grateful he shared it, even if I'm cutting some corners! He says I can pass it on, too, so hopefully it helps someone else, or at least gives them ideas. I suppose my penchant for open source whatsits just makes me excited to share data :B ADDENDUMB [sic]: whoopsydoodle, I sure blabber a lot and am anything but concise. Brevity is the soul of wit--I'm witty, just soulless! Ahem, rereading this, here's the stuff I skipped: *or four hours later. Five hours won't kill you. Make it fit into your work break! Normally, that meal's just a chicken breast, anyhow. The final meal being four eggs was just because he thought that he was eating maybe too many chicken breasts. Meaning, four eggs is a replacement! --That was my own conclusion, at least. Hopefully it's not too far off. I do sometimes do eggs when I'm too lazy to cook more chicken. Now, I don't normally ACTUALLY do four eggs at once--that is a LOT OF FOOD--but I will say, four hot, fresh medium -boiled eggs right out of the Instant Pot dipped in mustard is the MOST FILLING meal I have ever had. Super satisfying! And yes, that's right--Instant Pot! All you do is hork in a cup of water then put in that little... grill thing, then fit as many eggs as you can into a single layer (don't double stack!). And, yes, the eggs aren't actually in the water. Don't worry! Cook 'em on Pressure - High (older Instant Pots will just have a PRESSURE COOK or maybe a MANUAL button. Don't worry--it's high) and push the button twice so Keep Warm turns off. The recipe I saw said 2-3 minutes for soft-boiled, 4-5 for medium-, and 6-8 for hard-boiled. This is an absolute fabrication, it turns out. I just did ten eggs in it for TWO MINUTES, manually released the pressure immediately, then dumped the eggs into cold water and it was CLOSE to hard boiled, still. Har-RUMPH. Instant Pots were invented by a witch who got tired of her trainee stealing her instruction books all the time. A computerized cauldron worked so well that they decided to change the labels on the buttons to say things like "eggs" and "rice" and sell them to mortals. You don't need one, I just like mine. Oh, and for the peanut butter powder, I got a big jar that says PB Fit on the side. I don't think it matters, though. Like, even for how much extra malarkey Jif puts in their regular peabnut bubber, their powdered one really is just peanut butter powder. One more thing on this--I LOVE peanut butter. Like, my family makes fun of me for it. I put peanut butter on salami and fold it into a little taco, I put peanut butter on some seafood, I (brace yourself) eat it OFF A SPOON! And I'd never get the same brand twice--I know the differences between Peanut Butters. Gotta say, 1:1 peanut butter powder:water? It's the best. It's so freakishly good. It doesn't have any of the oil you get even in just TAKE PEANUT AND SMOOSH type peanut butter. UGH I WANT TO EAT PEANUT BUTTER NEXT CHEAT DAY. Okay, hopefully that's everything! This is a large text file for a bl--er, phlog, ack. I am experimenting with not formatting it for eighty character wide screens. Hopefully it's just that the Linux GOPHER command is the one viewer that doesn't wrap! ...Oh foot, it doesn't wrap for SDF either. Formatting!