# Gardening adventures (more like stumbling around trying to figure things out) # Context Our garden is in metropolitan Western Australia. Summers are particularly hot, it seems like the sunlight is pretty harsh, even on some of the natives. The humidity in summer seems to depend on whether it's an El Nino or La Nina year. Winters go down to about 5 some days but very rarely below 0. We wanted to have natives in the front garden and some crops in the back yard. It's not a very large area, probably about 250 sqm in total. We're also trying to be somewhat self-sufficient, we have a worm farm and a bokashi and composter. We recently moved in and the soil has been particularly bad. In some areas, it's just construction debris and construction sand maybe about 30cm deep. We suspect some areas also may have had concrete dust mixed in, and some areas the sand actually seems to repel water. # Plants/organisms => natives.gmi Natives and related pests/diseases => ornamentals.gmi Non-native ornamentals => crops.gmi Crops and related pests/diseases => animals.gmi Visitors to our garden # Tools/reviews => tools.gmi Tools and reviews ; ; ; ; ; ; ;; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ;; ; ; ; ; ; ';, ; ; ; 'b * ; '$ ;; ;; ; ; $: ;: ; ;; ; ;; *; @): ; ; ; ; :@,@): ,;**:' ; ; ;, :@@*: ;;**' ; ; ';o; ;:(@';@*"' ; ; ; 'bq,;;:,@@*' ,* ; ; ,p$q8,:@)' ;p*' ; ; ' ; '@@Pp@@*' ; ; ; ; ;; Y7'.' ; ; :@):. .:@:'. .::(@:. -Sam Blumenstein- ------------- source: https://asciiart.website/ ----------