# gemlog home - clinquant ``` __ __ / / ___ _ ___ _____ / / ___ _ ___ _____ / _ \/ -_) |/|/ / |/|/ / _ \ / _ \/ -_) |/|/ / |/|/ / _ \ /_//_/\__/|__,__/|__,__/\___/ /_//_/\__/|__,__/|__,__/\___/ ``` ## what I'm curious about how this all works! Unfortunately as with most projects it tends to fall by the wayside after a while. Having been used to blogs and comments, social media etc - writing like this makes me feel a bit isloated, somehow? Like how do I know someone's reading this? Does it even matter that anyone is reading it? Perhaps this is why it's so liberating! ## stuff => games.gmi Some games I've enjoyed over the years => journal/ Journal/ramblings => gardening/ Things in our garden and our efforts to keep it alive. => links.gmi Gemini-related stuff that I found useful ## contact Get in touch - clinquant@sdf.org ## hosted on => gemini://sdf.org sdf.org