Minuet (ver 1.0 beta_18A) Freeware Minuet is an anacronym for "Minnesota Internet User's Essential Tools". Minuet is an interesting program that attempts to provide an integrated set of common applets and internet access (similar to the attempt Microsoft made years later with the Windows Active Desktop). Some of the included internet clients are Email, NetNews, Telenet, FTP, Finger, HTTP, and Gopher. This program straddles the line between a multi-protocol client (such as many modern Web Browsers), and a stand- alone client (which is what I try to offer in the "Clients" selector). Even though you cannot separate the clients physically (they are ALL lumped together in the MINUET.EXE file), each client works separately. When you first start the program, you will need to enter "setup", and add the IP address of your computer, the net mask, the gateway, and the name server. You will also need to change the default home gopher server, as the one pre-selected for you no longer exists (I suggest either "gopher.floodgap.com" or "home.jumpjet.info"). Due to its age and being "beta", this software has problems handling some file types such as "h" (html) and "g" (gif), while others such as "jpg" are misinterpereted as being text files (and are uselessly opened in the integrated text viewer).