With winter hollidays coming to an end, maybe I should reflect on some of what I have done over them. In fact I didn't do much of anything to be honest, since I have been pretty tired and essentially raring for an opportunity to reliably sleep 8 hours a day and relax. I need to start taking rest more seriously if I am to keep up my productivity and general sanity. But let's look at good things that I managed to get "done" during this time: * Finished reading Bill Bryson's "Down under" which has been open for a LONG time, and I hadn't finished for no particular reason. * Got a bit more into old cinema. Particularly started looking into silent cinema through classics like "Nosferatu" and "The man who smiles". It is simply amazing looking at such films almost one hundred years later. The difference in interpretation of cinema since then is overwhelming. * Started reading the bible here and there (which is something I didn't expect to get into before I turned 60, but here we are...) * Expanded my recipe reportoir to include baked cheesecake and roast beef. * Read the specification for the Gemini protocol which was quite interesting (may do something with that at some point in the future). * Started working on a curses interface for my upcoming personal project which is as of yet top-sneaky.