------------------------------------------------- Title: Looking forward to being alone. Date: 2022-04-19 Device: Laptop Mood: Lazy ------------------------------------------------- Honestly, the last few weeks have really taken a toll on me. Inventory: 1) Body. I've not been doing a good job of looking after myself. I've not been walking, and mainly been sedentary at home. I don't have a particular excuse; I guess I told myself it was 'fine' to have a few weeks off after a week of skiing but in truth this didn't do me any favours. I'm just so weak at the moment. On Sunday, I went for a walk; about 3 miles. My back ached after. I worry that my twenty-five-ish years of sitting down to work have damaged me. 2) Mind. I've been in a particularly bad set of habits. Too much phone time, especially when I wake up, and at night. Scrolling feeds, news, shit memes. I took a couple of recovery measures this morning; blocked reddit.com and discord.com and avclub.com again. I don't need that noise. 3) Environment. I've been at home a LOT recently. I'm only going out infrequently (not that I have any real reason to go out). When I am at home, I'm mainly lying in bed or sat at the computer. Also, H and A have been around a lot, given that it's the easter break from school. To be clear, I don't resent their presence, but it does disrupt a lot of the routines which I set for myself. I'm typically alone at home between 0700 and 1700, and I'm used to that. These weeks when they are home mean that I don't stick to my usual rhythm. I don't know why. 4) Hobbies. This is actually kind of okay. I've been gaming a little more, but not a lot. H and I are watching some interesting stuff together in the evenings, and I'm cooking a lot more. I'm actually looking forward to H and A going back to normal schedule because it'll mean I can cook every night. Sometimes I know that H likes to plan and cook in the afternoon but when it's back to my responsibility I'll be happy with that. Things feel in balance here. I just need to get back to working out more. Typical complaints. --C