"Smart" devices: Stop feeding the beast Some basic things that you can do to help reclaim some of your sanity and privacy: * You don't need your "smart" phone with you nearly as much as you think Stop looking at your phone all the time. It's mostly masturbatory and you really shouldn't be masturbating in public. Stop taking your phone with you to restaurants. At the very least leave it in your car or something. It's also the polite thing to do. Talk with your friends instead of "dicking around" with your phone. Stop taking your phone with you when you exercise. Buy a "dumb" MP3 player if you insist on having music while you work out. Buy a "dumb" watch with a built-in chronometer if you need to time your laps or time your run, etc. * Refuse to buy other so-called "smart" devices You should definitely not add something like an Amazon Echo to your house. You should also really consider not having "smart" thermostats (Nest, etc), smart refrigerators, smart microwaves, etc. These are almost all over-priced gimmicks that you could easily do without. These things are also spying on you and adding unnecessary complexity to your life. * Extreme option: Put your home Wi-Fi router / cable modem / DSL modem on a light switch and turn off your Internet connection when you aren't home. Maybe even use it to turn off your Internet connection when you are home. Start being more aware of when you are connected and when you are not. These "always-on" devices aren't your friends. CREATED 2020-04-20