Our Father in Heaven Jesus teached His disciples in Mt 6,9-14 the prayer "Our Father in Heaven", the only prayer he teached as known from the bible. This prayer unites all christians in the body of Christ. It is an instruction about the main points of prayer concerning the needs of our heart. 1. Our Father in Heaven, ... We need a father for biological, psychological and spiritual growth. Without a father there is no life at all. Jesus teaches His disciples to call His Father "Our Father", because He is the Father of all existing creation, the Father of Life. He is the Father who is carrying all beeings. Without His Love and Grace nobody can exist. He is the only good Father without human defects. Therefor we can trust Him under all conditions. Even the worsest sinner can trust Him and His Love and Grace, if he has the true desire to change to a good person and asks Him to forgive him. The disciples of Jesus become true children of God. The Apostle John teaches in Joh 1,12.13: All who accepted Him (=Jesus) He gave the chance to become God's children, all who believed in Him, and they have not been born out of human nature, but out of God. 2. ..., holied be Your Name, ... We need someone, who is holy in our heart, otherwise we become selfish and corrupted. But the person in our heart is important. Is he good, we become good, is he bad, we become bad. Is he loving under all conditions, we become a loving heart, is he allowing to kill, we become killers or terrorists. Therefore it is important to holy the Name of the Father of Jesus. He is the only good Father and we can see His goodness in His son Jesus, who died on the cross, to show His Love for the sinners, that they may turn back from the evil life to get absolution from there bad life and sinns. The Name of God is JHWH: He explained it to Moses: I am the "I am" or I shall be the "I shall be". Through Jesus we know that the Father and the Son are like bred, life for others, for the creation, especially for mankind. The Name of the Son of God is Jesus, originally Jeshua. That means: Je = JHWH = "I am" and shua = wholeness, wellness, salvation. The Name of God is: I am and I shall be salvation for mankind. Our Father in Heaven, holied be Your Name!