Below is an example of 'touching' a file to change the time stamp on it, then using it's time stamp as a starting point to search from. After that, it pipes the output to xargs which runs tar to creat the tarball. Then scp sends the file to another box on the network. touch -t 200711150233.00 testfile && \ find . -type f -newer testfile | xargs tar czvf k-meleon.tgz && \ scp k-meleon.tgz dennyboy@dancer:/cygdrive/d/denny/downloads/networking/ After editing this file, I sent it to the other OpenBSD box on the local area network like so: scp ~/bsd/filexargjob.txt dennyboy@bubbhasbox:bsd/ > /dev/null 2>&1 The '> /dev/null 2>&1' keeps the external command from echoing into the file I'm editing.