Using External Mailto Links in Firefox with Mutt and Pine It's a fairly simple issue to setup Firefox with your MUA in Microsoft Windows, be it Outlook Express, Outlook, Thunderbird, whatever. But, with older text type email programs in BSD and Linux, it's a bit harder. I got tired of forgetting not to click mailto links in Firefox. You always get the same old message about no program being associated with mailto. I don't have any fancyX-Windows email programs. Just mutt on one box and pine on the really old box. In both cases I'm very satisfied with what they can do along with a little extra I always manage to milk out of them, tinkering and tweaking. I had put off for a long, long time, figuring out how to fix Firefox and the mailto links thing, but I finally managed to stop goofing off long enough to come up with working solution. Script to call pine to send mail to mailto links in Firefox. Name it whatever you want. I named mine #!/bin/sh xterm -e pine ${1:+-url "$1"} Script to call mutt to send mail to mailto links in Firefox. I named mine #!/bin/sh xterm -e mutt -F $HOME/.ffmuttrc "$1" Remember to do chmod +x scriptname or, if you want to make sure it's only executable by yourself, chmod 0700 scriptname. I had to copy .muttrc to a new name so I wouldn't be calling my usual mail script which uses a different signature routine calling fortune to plug in a random fortune file. So, I just copied .muttrc to .ffmuttrc (ff=Firefox), .signature to .ffsignature, and, in .ffmuttrc, set the signature like so: set signature="~/.ffsignature" # file which contains my signature In both instances, with mutt and pine, I made the same changes in Firefox. In the URL bar, type about:config and when the page opens, type in mailto. Set your settings like so: Preference Name StatusTypeValue network.protocol-handler.expose.maitousersetbooleanfalse network.protocol-handler.external.mailtodefaultbooleantrue network.protocol-handler-handler.warn-external.mailtousersetbooleantrue On the one box, I had to create the '' line. I guess it varies from one install to another. Don't know. I just know the above settings work perfectly with the scripts. So, good luck with it.