I woke up wayy later than I had been planning to. I went to bed around 1-2am and somehow managed to wake up at 2pm. Haven't really had much to do today other than think about things. I picked up my Bass earlier today after a surge of inspiration and played a bit. And after that, I was struck with the feeling of intense feeling of listlessness that I've become accustomed to. Without being able to work, my days have become noticeably void of any significant activity. My main hobby when I was younger was playing video games, mainly for the sake of playing them. But now it seems that playing them has mainly become a vessel by which I socialize with friends. With the occasional dopamine hit when I see my ranking go up. Now, I'm not really sure where to go from here. As of right now, there really isn't anything that I do simply because I enjoy doing it. I suppose bass playing can be one such activity, but it seems strange to declare playing the bass a significant hobby when I'm just a novice. Also hobby-wise, in college I really enjoyed going to the Japanese Conversation org to get some practice in (and to socialize). I've recently (today) found that there's an organization that arranges language practice tables once a week at different locations. So I'm going to go tomorrow and check out the Japanese table. Hopefully it'll be a good experience and I'll have a new pasttime on my hands. We'll see.