2021-12-22 Wednesday Rye's birthday. Happy Birthday wherever you are. This morning I took Route 267 to 66 and drove into Georgetown over the Key bridge to meet David for coffee. We had a nice chat outside Georgetown Cafe on Wisconsin and N. We shared life updates and talked about family and jobs. A few moments later a police escort drove down Wisconsin Ave. It was Vice President Harris' motorcade from the US Naval Observatory. Later I felt bad for VP Harris because I'm sure it's hard to show up anywhere without too much notice when you are accompanied by police motorcycles blaring their sirens. How could I sneak into work late if every move I made was broadcast with emergenc sirens. lol I guess I'm better off not being the VP. I'll need to remember that for later. It was good to see David. I will send him a note so we can schedule another visit in January. On the way home I stopped for disposable masks for use with my visitors this week. They were sold out at the first stop. I found 4 boxes at my second stop and bought one box of 50. The rapid covid tests were all sold out.