************************************************************************ * * * ### Why Gopher? ### * * * * July 19, 2020 * * * ************************************************************************ I enjoy being online. I like the ability to easily contact friends and family over the Internet. The Internet has certainly allowed us to make the world a lot smaller, and it's allowed us to express our thoughts to anyone and everyone who will listen to or read them. It's a blessing and a curse. We have tons of information available to us in an instant, and we can be inundated by a slew of thoughts, facts, and disinformation curated to us by algorithms. Algorithms that learn our preferences--what we like and dislike--and then serve us content and advertisements based on those preferences. That's not necessarily a bad thing, but it can create an echo chamber. I don't fault people for monetizing the Web. Machines, data lines, software, content creation, &c; there is an expense for providing content to a user. Most of that content is "free" to access with advertisements helping to pay the bills and salaries. Some are more successful than others. Then there's the whole expectation of designing a pleasing website or include picture(s) with text when publishing content to the WWW. Not to mention the peppering of ads in-line with the text you're trying to read ("we" don't want to have to pay for content, after all) The gopherspace is devoid of that--just content, and you have to dig to find what you want or stumble upon someone's experiences. It seems a bit more personal the the WWW. Maybe it's a slight rebellion of what the Web has become: an ecosystem more interested in feeding perpetual outrage (can you believe what $person1 said about $person2??) to put ads in front of your eyeballs, or maybe it's the sheer fact that I just want to type out my thoughts without having to be concerned about adding multimedia content to my site in order to feel like I'm getting value from paying for WordPress. In any regard, I'm here in the gopherspace for me. This is my little segment of the Internet. I stumbled across SDF.org because someone mentioned that they were exploring the gopherspace in a BBS post, and I was intrigued. My own exploration lead me to SDF, and I've come to appreciate the community here. I'm happy to pay my dues to allow this space to continue to operate, and I hope others join in on the fun. I continue to explore and try different things, and I think that's the beauty of this type of community. Try different things, ask questions, help others, and build relationships with people who have similar interests. So that's why I'm here, and I'm glad you took time to read. Feel free to drop me a line at drelcott[at]sdf.org.